
Too many extra-curriculars?

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ok well, i'm gonna be a freshman this fall and i signed up for 6 clubs and 3 sports. in addition to this, i take piano and art classes. i want to have a great GPA and straight As and i know that i can get good grades because i'm good at memorizing, learning new material, and i have a strong work ethic. but now i'm worried because i have all of these activities on top of honors classes and i decided to take two foreign languages, french and spanish. is this too much or do you think i stand a chance?




  1. you will be able to juggle everything except around mid terms finals and state might wanna drop a couple things and msot likely your not gonna be able to do that many activites as well as the sports you either have to pick a few activities and a couple sports or do all 3 sports and like 2 activites do what you your gonna love otherwise your gonna be the way if you do all this your gonna be miserable and have no life!! and high school is about meeting new people and finding yourself how are you gonan fund yourself if you never have any free time for yourself or just to hang out with friends and family?

  2. If you want to do it you can it isn't that bad. If you set your mind to it and study hard sure you can do it. Colleges like seeing extra curriculars.

  3. I think you are gonna over do it. Think about what you will do when the 3 sports have events at the same time as the club meetings and the same night that you need to study for the french exam or the honors english class.

  4. Believe it or not, colleges are looking for quality over quantity.  They'd much rather see you get really involved with one or two activities than join every club and sport out there.  Especially if the activity relates somehow to your intended major.  It doesn't even have to be affiliated with your school - doing original research, publish a novel, running for elected office all look much better than 'spent every afternoon at a different club meeting'.

  5. I think you could manage it but from experiance, if you get sick and runn down it's really hard to get it under control with so much on so maybe reconsider your priorities.

  6. look, i'll be frank with you. if you set your mind to this, you CAN do it...but forget about having a social life. there is very little chance that you're going to have time for your friends. however, you seem to be very determined to get into a good college so this may not be a problem for you. my advice for you would be to just try it and if you can't do it, drop something that you're not that into. i think that if your sports are all in different seasons, then that's fine but the clubs are a little much. as one of the other answerers said, quality over quantity. but hey, before you decide you can't do it, give it a shot! who knows? maybe juggling a busy schedule comes naturally to you. good luck in high school, and remember to have confidence. if you get there with a failure's attitude, that's what you're going to be.

  7. it is alot, but u can do it.. i am in 1 sport n its every single day almost.. top of the line commitment, plus two foriegn languages, spanish n french, as well as i have a totall of 15 courses that i have to take this year plus mylanguages n soccer. so .. its possible but its gonna be alot of work

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