
Too many flyers to deliver what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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a company from across the country was looking for volunteers to deliver flyers for there company in my city. tere are 5000 flyers and they were paying 500 for you to donate and you had to tell them where you were donating it. Well come the day all of my volunteers backed out. i am the only one. so far i ahve delivered 1000 of them. there is no way i can do them all. do you think they woudl find out if some of them never were delivered. or any suggestions on where i could put them so that people could take them. this is only for 1/4 fo the city.




  1. try to get some help but in any case stick with your commitment.

  2. It really wouldn't be right not to distribute them.  I'd certainly talk to the volunteers if I were you.  It's very irresponsible of them to leave you in the lurch like that.  What organization were you going to donate the money to?  Ask them if they can help distribute the flyers.   If they can't, if they're already too busy or simply don't have the manpower either, then try a boy scout or cub scout troop.  Something like that.

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