
Too many girls like me at school.?

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so im James .14 years old i started school at july(year round school).a lot of girls like me at school.i know cuz i always see them starring at me.and its kinda getting annoying.and i counted the girls that stares at me.and its about should i make them stop staring at me. im not lieing. btw im korean. maybe its cuz i can crip walk and b boy.but idk . tell me how i can make them stop looking at me




  1. tell them u have a girl friend in a different state that u love deeply so back off!

  2. dude enjoy it while it last

  3. Poor you. Dont worry you make get uglier when you get a bit older, thats quiet common... A case of the Swan turning into the Duckling ..

  4. They are probably trying to get your attention. Don't pay them any mind. If you don't like them then don't go out of your way to make them  understand your not interested. Totally ignore them, if one of them makes a move, just tell her how you feel.

  5. ask one of them out so they know your takin...  

  6. umm okay... well you seem kinda full of yourself...why would you want them to  stop liking you. seriously dont u actually like any one of them. if you then ask one out and the other ones will stop whn they know you're taken... just dont use anyone

  7. self-concieted much? get over urself, their prolly looking at how weird ur acting or sumthing.

  8. Why would u want girls to stop looking at you?

    And you dont have to brag online....its weird...  

  9. and thats a bad thing becuz\

    answer me

  10. Maybe you should get a gf or ask one out you like then maybe they will stop, at least thats what I would do, except if you are really cute and nice ect.

  11. tell them that ur g*y!  XD

  12. Oh please, get over yourself.

    *rolls eyes*

  13. u could be like all the other guyz, be a jerk, or u could tell them that ur g*y! or u could tell them that ur taken, and y is it a bad thing that they all like u?

  14. Would you rather have them hate you?

    If so be a jerk  

  15. pick one girl to make the others aware that you are no longer available.  or just start acting like a jerk

  16. just ignore it!

    you should be happy all these girls liike you.

    there isn't really any way to get them to stop staring at you unless they find another guy.

    so after a while you'll get old and they'll find someone else.

  17. what you complaining for you stupid b*****d

  18. i know i think you shouldn't make a fool out of your self why dont you ask a really hot girl out and then they wouldn't bother you so much  

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