
Too many replays of olympic events on channel 7.?

by  |  earlier

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Why does channel seven keep replaying the same events over and over again. Today I have now seen the mens pole vault final three times. Show some other events seven, it's ridiculous. Some of us like to watch the other events too.?




  1. I agree, i come from melbourne. SBS is way better. Also, i find it annoying that seven only show Aussie sports-no offence, i am aussie, but in some sports the Aussies just suck.

  2. they like showing the sports which australia plays in i think.

  3. We only want to see Aussies do well and so far that's the only thing we've got.

  4. The coverage deal was that Channel 7 focus on the Australian events and that SBS focus on the other events.  If you don't like it you can always watch SBS or another channel altogether.  You could even make a complaint to Channel 7.  I don't like it either I would like to see everything live but I am grateful for what we can see as it is better than nothing at all.

  5. You should have had a look at SBS they've had many events not shown on Channel 7.

    Channel 7's coverage right from the start has been hopeless.

  6. Well but i know its complected well some people want to see it more closer and in the olympics they continue it later so there you go!

  7. What is channel 7? It's a different station all over the world.

  8. Channel 7 is the channel is Australia that is covering the Olympic Games. SBS is our "ethnic?" station and they have shown stuff too (They usually show the programmes from overseas eg: English soccer league, foreign language films, stuff that's a bit too controversial to show on regular tv)

    Channel 7's coverage has been absolutely woeful! Half the time you don't know what is live and what is being replayed (You think with their technology they could just put the little word "replay" in the corner.) The constant waffle from the presenters is pathetic and how many ad breaks do they have?? I know it costs money to show these games but seriously...... Did not even bother to show Craig Mottrams race live. I don't even think the Pole Vault final was live. For goodness sake, I live in Perth, we are in the same time zone as Beijing and we can't show stuff live aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh

    I too have watched a lot of SBS coverage as they have shown a huge variety of sports and countries and you get to watch all of something instead of a minute of this and a couple of minutes of that. I so hope that a different channel get the rights to the London Games.

    (But I do like Raelene Boyles commentary though  - I just wish she would lock Bruce out of the commentary box...)

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