
Too many <span title="pets??????????????????????">pets?????????????????????...</span>

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Right I've got a parakeet, puppy, cat, tortoise and fish, and I'm happy with my selection and take good care of them.

BUT I would like a ball python - I was going to wait until around christmas but there are young snakes or sub adults or something for £80 which is cheaper than the £200 ones they have now.

BUT my mam agreed with me ages ago that we wouldn't have anymore animals after I got rid of five guinea pigs so I would be breaking a deal

BUT apparently they are good pets.

So should I get one?

And info on them is apprieciated




  1. Hey no its not too many if you look after them properly and treat them equally. Also i&#039;m not sure about the snake because they are one of my hugest fears i dont even like the s word lol but f you like them then gett one as long as you can look after it as good as your othere pets x

  2. lol why would you liek a snake in your house mind as well just open up a zoo

  3. We have over 30 pets (dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, rodents, bunnies, etc), so I don&#039;t think you have too many.  I will say this though.  Think rescue first.  There are soooo many animals out there and a rescue gives you an animal who has a known personality,   They can help you decide what snake is best for you.  Yes Ball Pythons are a great starter snake.  Also, before you get it, make sure you have large enough tank, heat, hidey spot, etc.  Read about them and at least visit a rescue and volunteer some so you can see how they are properly cared for.  Spending time at a rescue is a great way to learn if an animal is right for you.  Also be sure there is a good reptile vet in your area.  Otherwise you&#039;ll have to be willing to travel to one.

  4. Actually I don&#039;t think you have too many pets considering that you take good care of them...or according to you apparently its true. THink about it.... If a turtle and fish are kept in tanks, a parakeet in a cage, then you only have the remaining cat and dog roaming free then that really isn&#039;t a full house. IT would be considered too many when you cannot take proper care of them. IF your mother does nto agree with you then don&#039;t get snakes....even if you don&#039;t have a full house. She will be the one taking care of vet costs...WHat happens when she can&#039;t afford them? thats right you lose them.....

  5. It would be too many pets if you did not have the time space and financial resources to care for all of them. If you are capable for caring for another pet go for it, but it sounds like you need to talk this decision over with you mom.

  6. I&#039;d say that&#039;s a pretty good selection of pets you have already.  If you made an agreement with your mom, it&#039;s probably best to hold up your end of the agreement.  You can always wait until you&#039;re old enough to get your own place to buy a snake, or either get rid of a pet you already have.

  7. just get it

    they are reallly cool my brother has one

    they are really good pets too  

  8. My daughter had one and it died after 2 years. The vet had no idea why. She works for a vet so I know she was taking good care of it. She now has a tree boa which is much prettier.

    However, you made a deal with your mom. Talk it over with her and see if she will let you amend your deal.

  9. Personally I wouldn&#039;t get the python, because you would be breaking a deal, it also raises the risk of another animal being eaten such as your parakeet, not to mention its another mouth to feed. On the other hand I understand peoples love for animals and if you truly feel like this is a bargain and that you can take good care of it then ask your mum if she wouldn&#039;t mind getting just one more. Good Luck!

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