
Too many spiders!!!! HELP!!!?

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My boyfriend and I have lived in our apartment for just over a year now. This summer, we have found a huge number of spiders in our apartment!!! I am not one to mind a spider or 2, but there are a lot of them. I often wake up with bites, usually on my ankles or arms. They are pests and something needs to be done! I don't know why they have chosen our apartment to infest because we don't seem to have any insects for them to feed on inside our home. I don't want to do anything messy or potentially toxic. My boyfriend has killed quite a few of them, but they keep coming. Does anyone have a quick and easy solution for spiders?




  1. go to the store and look in the pest/insect section. There is a bug spray called Ortho Home Defense bug spray. You can get a big bottle of it ( I just get the smaller one for less than $10) and its safe for kids and pets once its dry. Just spray around doorways, windows, vents, and any other place they can be comming from. I am terrified of spiders and our home was infested with them when we first moved in and I used that stuff and I havent seen much of any bug lately.

  2. hire an extermanator and have him spray the spiders. it will help =) oh and make sure he picks the spiders up so there's no dead spiders in your apartment =) hope i helped

  3. you can if you want they have these cans that you push a button and then it puts out a gas then you get out of the apartment for i think 6 hours go out and do something with your boyfriend then go into the house and there will a bunch of dead insects spiders and more then you just clean them up and for a long you won't see any more spiders!

  4. Ask an exterminator and talk to them about something that is not toxic but will make the spiders go away.

  5. Spider spray!! they sell it at lots of grocery stores. It's non-toxic to plants and animals. :-)

  6. Your spiders must have hatched eggs. You should call the extermenatier =]

  7. Call  the exterminator ASAP. If they are small they can enter your ears, omg....

    Also you can do this...before going to be make a circle of water on the floor, like a protecting shield or something. That helps a bit. but maybe your bed has them as well  (*scary song*)

  8. you need to call a extermanator

  9. if there are too a professional exterminator...they can get rid of spiders, as well as their eggs...

  10. you might have some holes in the walls or in a corner or somewhere theyre getting in. youu definately need an exterminator to get rid of all the pest you are getting especially since your getting a number of them. i suggest you call your local exterminator in your city one that is the best for you and your home. you would have to find one that doesnt involve too many chemicals or toxics. here is a link to a exterminator that might be good for you and your boyfriend just call the number for it and find one in your local city or state. terminix is for termites and other pests so i suggest you try this exterminator. hope this helps. good luck.

  11. i suggest you get an exterminator or you can move out ot you can get special spray.

  12. extermanator

  13. move outtt

    get another apartment

  14. An exterminator...or look  in your local hardware store and ask for something that can help.

  15. I don't know of any quick and easy solutions, but you should definitely call your landlord and demand that he do something about it.


  17. They do make something that is not toxic called a "Spider Ball". My wife had one in her apartment before we got married and it attracts them somehow.

    She had a lot of spiders too!

  18. Glue traps work well, they crawl on them and then die.  Soon your trap will be covered, get your bf to throw it away and put a new one out.  You can get insect glue traps at the hardware store like ACE or Home depot.

    Also, get a spray can of spider killer, and spray the baseboards.  They always like to get in through the baseboards.

    Yeah, I hate spiders so much

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