
Too much protein in catfood for dogs?

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Our dog loves to eat our cat's food.. wet or dry.

someone said cat food was higher in protein than dog food(???)

& that it would cause liver damage.(?)

Can anyone confirm / deny this?

the ingredients look almost identical....






  1. I don't know all the details but look at it in this sense, dogs and cats are completely different animals. Different sizes, activity etc. They need different things, cat hunt and eat and will really move very little if they don't have to, conserving energy - my vet often tells me cat food is high in fat, which is good for cats when given to them in the amounts they need. Bad for dogs, they need carbs and stuff, things to burn, not to store energy (assume your dog is the average household pet). They love it for the same reasons we love fatty foods, it tastes good.

    They don't just make dog and cat food for the h**l of it, they are different animals and require different things. Don't feed your dog cat food on a regular basis as it will be bad for it in one way or another. Save it for special treats or something.

  2. Dogs can survive quite well on cat food. They actually prefer it because the manufacturers put flavour enhancers in it. A cat, however, cannot survive on dog food only. Cats have special dietary requirements that are added to their food. Cats can and will eat dog food for quite some time but eventually they are going to need the supplements.

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