
Too narrow to give birth?

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I know that it really all comes down to the size of the opening of my pelvis, but.... I'm about 5'2" and I wear somewhere between size 3 and 5 in junior's and I'm not sure what size I wear in women's because I can never find pants that fit me properly. I also weigh about 108. I have some weight fluctuation throughout the year, but stay right around 108. I don't like how much medical intervention there is with childbirth and would want a natural delivery. I was even considering home delivery; however, it was just pointed out to me by my mom that I might have to have a cesarean due to my size. I never really thought about it. I just figured that if I had a low risk pregnancy, I would be able to do a home birth and if I had a higher risk, I could try vaginal at a hospital or something like that. Now I'm beginning to wonder. Do you have the experience to be able to throw in your two cents?

FYI: I'm 20, married, and have an IUD that should last 5 years, so I'm not pregnant and shouldn't be for at least 5 years. And one thing going for me is that my husband isn't a big person either, so hopefully we'll be having smaller babies.




  1. I'm a doula (labor support person) and the instances of a woman's pelvis being too small to give birth are extremely rare.  It's a condition called cephalo-pelvic disproportion and it is very uncommon.  There is also no way to accurately measure the baby's head beforehand to know if this would be a problem so if your doctor ever tries to tell you that you're too small to give birth, tell him/her to go jump in a lake.  Tiny women give birth to massive babies every day.  Also, when a woman goes into labor, hormones kick in that help to open and expand her pelvis to help get that little guy/gal out into the world.  I'm sure that when you're ready to have kids, it'll be a piece of cake.  ;)

  2. Is your mom a small lady? aunts? your pelvis should open up when you get pregnant and allow your baby to drop. My cousin in law is small ( not as small as you) and she had to have a c-section becuase her child was so large- almost 10 pounds. I think it depends on your family history as well as your bodies ability to open your pelvis. So you may be wearing womens size pants after you have your child. Im a plus size women and had my daughter young (19) and my pelvis didn't open so she never dropped and i ended up having to have a c-section. Only one of my aunts was able to have a child with out a c-section. Same with my mother. You don't really know till later in your pregnancy and mostly not until your in labor. But best of luck to you and your husband when you do decided to have children. I hope you can have them naturally

  3. I am about the same size (5'2" 115/ 2-4 jean size) and wonder the same thing. I have been told that the Doc can measure your hips bones and give you an IDEA but nothing for sure. Your bones soften up a bit before labor so that you can stretch. The size of the baby isn't just about the size of you two BF is 5'6" tall (shorter) but was 23 inches at birth (LONG baby) just have to wait and see. you can start taking steps to insure a better possible outcome by exercising and getting your abs in good shape (helps with pushing and delivery).

  4. let me see some pics and i'll tell you if your to narrow oh rih

  5. Don't worry about your size I have an aunt that is 5'5 115 pounds soaking wet and she pushed out a 16 pound 9 ounce baby if she can do it ANYBODY can besides your body will prepare itself before birth your pelvis will widen and not to mention when you go in to find out the s*x of the baby (I know your not pregnant I'm just saying) they also measure your birth canal to make sure you are able to give birth naturally so don't worry you should be able to push out babies JUST fine : )

  6. well I am 5'2'' and about 112lbs prepregnancy I also wear a 3/4 or a 5/6 and I have a two year old daughter and had her vaginally and I am now pregnant again and hope to do the same, so its not impossible,

  7. Just because you're small doesn't mean you're going to have any trouble giving birth. When you do get pregnant you can discuss your fears and options with your doc and I'm sure he'll tell you many stories of woman even smaller than you giving birth without any complications. The human body is amazing and can accommodate much more than we think it can.

  8. Nature usually gets it right and gives you a baby your body can handle. I have a friend who is 5'2 wears a size 0 and gave birth naturally to a 8lbs and a 7.10 lbs baby. She has no hips and she had great deliveries. Just trust your baby and get a midwife you click with and who will help you with your questions. My mother in law had 13 kids all natural, no drugs and she has no hips and her largest baby was 10lbs 13oz! She is 5'7 I am 5'11 and I had a 7lb15oz(vaginal, stitches)girl and a 8lb12oz(at home no stitches) boy. Wonder how big #3 will be? =) I'm staying home again.

    Now my mom is 5'2 and had a c-section with me, I was 7.2 lbs. She admits she was chicken and had the surgery because they(doctors and nurses) made her feel like she couldn't do it. I am glad I am here and don't begrudge her for the c-section! =)

    I would read a ton over the next 5 yrs or so.. ;) Good Luck!

  9. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside.  My mother's best friend was your size and had a 10 lb and 9.5 lb baby no problem.  I'm also your same size but my birth canal is too small and I did end up having a cesarean.  The measurement that matters are your Ischial spines.  They are the smallest part of your pelvis.  My doctor was able to tell at about 32 weeks that I probably would not be able to deliver vaginally, but did have me go through labor and let me give it a try.  He was so sweet when he walked in and told me he wanted to let me try so that I wouldn't have it stuck in the back of my mind that maybe if I'd just tried I could've done it.  If you have a good OB during your pregnancy, they'll let things go as naturally as they can as long as it's safe for you and the baby.  Although I'm sure your mom meant well, unless she can read x-rays and has seen one of your pelvis, pretty sure it's all an assumption- I wouldn't take mom's theories as true medical advice :)  

    If it's a real concern of yours, make sure to bring it up at your next check up with your doctor.  Start a relationship with your doc that has them aware of your goals and wants for pregnancy.  It's even more rewarding when pregnancy is the goal and you work for it with the help of the doc.  I now have 3 weeks until my second c-section and it was really great when the nurse called to tell me I was pregnant- it was truly exciting for her and my doctor was genuinely happy for us.

    Everyone is so different- don't let it be a cause of stress.  You'll most likely just have "right size for you" beautiful healthy babies when you're ready.  goodluck!

  10. im 5'1 and weighed 100 lbs when i got pregnant.Total pregnancy weght to the end was 136 lbs.Had a 8lb5 oz baby and it was i think you should be fine with having a natural birth

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