
Too old for toys?

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I really love these things called k nex. i want to get a complicated rollercoaster to put together. heres the link:

the only things is i just turned 15 (3 days ago)and i know i am to old for these things. do you think i should get it still or do you think it would be wierd?




  1. Definately get them

    just because other 15year olds might not want them doesnt mean you should'nt get them!

    Im 13 and I play with lego

    I think you should if that is what you want. And if other people say dont why shouldnt you cos if YOU want them get them

    Live YOUR life dont make other people control it.

  2. I'm almost 18 and I still love to play with toys sometimes. It's fun, there's no "too old" for it.

  3. haha this is a great question!! i think you're past the point where it would be 'lame' to play with toys.  when you're like.. maybe 13 or so you think toys are for littler kids and you could get teased or whatever for playing with toys.  but now that you're 15 its actually really cool seeing a teen playing with knex! hahah.  my friend and i were talking about this the other day.  she as like "man! i really want to play with my barbies! i miss them!" so we went to toys r us to look at barbies and ended up buying a whole bunch of play doh. fun times (;

  4. no way! ur not too old im 14 n i still play with all my toys i used to play with!

  5. Who cares wat anyone else thinks sometimes i think im too old 4 cartoons but idk wat people thinks cause im always gunna b a kid at heart so no matterhow old i am im always gunna watch spongebob n all the other cartoons i watch. If ur having fun play with ur toys i bet everyone secretly still plays with toys once in a while.

  6. omg those are so fun!! lol i played with them at dennys lol


    i'll be seventeen next month and i just last week bought a high school musical sharpay doll.

    you're never to old to be a kid!

  7. You are 15 and you still want toys?

    Each to their own I guess, but I am 15 and grew out of toys and things like that a long time ago. I stopped playing with toys when I was around 10.

    Yes, I think it would be weird to get it. Very weird.

  8. I think liking toys when you're older is awesome. It's like a style, like it makes you cooler.

  9. you shouldnt be getting THIOSE kind of toys you should be getting THESE kind of toys

  10. That's pretty cool....

  11. Go for it. Really, its not a big deal, I mean, I'm 16, male, and I read romance novels, so what?

    People who say its childish are just jealous because they don't have such an awesome shiny new toy.

  12. if you want it, get it!

    you may be getting too old according to most people's standards... but hey- if you still enjoy playing with them, go for it!

    Those are pretty cool anyway, its not like you're playing dress up with barbie and ken... haha

  13. Nope. I'm 15 and i still play with rc cars. They may be a little bigger and faster, but they're still just toys.

  14. Aw Hun you aren't ever too old for toys.  It says it's for ages 9 and up, see? lol have fun! =]
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