
Too old to be a ballerina, right?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, when I was younger I took ballet for years and only recently restarted at the age of thirteen. At this point, I am too old to be starting if someday I wanted to dance ballet professionally, right?




  1. ummm i dont think that youre too old at all just be sure to work really hard and i think that you could if it's what you really want to do...

  2. no not at all!

    stephanie saland--ex principal dancer at nycb started at 18

    i know because she is friends with my ballet teacher and taught one of my classes

  3. nope not at all...just take all kinds of ballet and jazz and modern styles of dance...definitly ballet...that wat you want to live and breath form now to when you want to retire from dancing : )

  4. No you are not to old! I am 16 and I started ballet when I was 13 and it took lots of hard work, but this past year I made it into Ballet Company at my studio. And I am on pointe. It does take looots of hard work and flexibility will be harder, but its most definitely not impossible! =] Good Luck!

  5. if you push yourself and build muscle you can do it... just know that the only way to dance is from the heart

  6. it depends on your talent.

    if you're really talented then you can start at 13 and still go pro.

  7. well if you took ballet when you were younger then your muscles and bones must already be flexible.. during the years that you weren't dancing you might've gotten a little rusty.. but with practice i think you'll be able to get your skill back.. so no i don't think you're too old. you can still dance professionally.. good luck!

  8. i dont think so if you try as hard as you can push yourself you should have no problems. Also it helps that you did it before!

  9. Probably.

    Being a professional ballerina is HARD work, most have been dancing probably since they were like 2/3/4 at big dance schools and danced many times a week.

  10. NO! Acually, there is a professional dancer, Blake Angier, and he STARTED dance at the age of thirteen! You can do anything if you really try!

  11. No way, you'll just need to work EXTRA hard. You are never to old to give up on a dream. If you stick with it and practice every day you'll be fine. I just started gymnastics and I'm 12! I just practice real hard and give it my all, and I'm really good!! Please don't give up, you could be the world's next great dancer!!!

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