
Too oversensitive when people stare?

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I'm very average-looking:




  1. Wave at them and smile.

    It makes them notice they're staring and then they look away. Sometimes people just can't help but stare. It's a natural thing to do when you see something that catches your eye.

    Just remember that their staring may not always be a bad thing.

  2. stare back at them haha its funny :]

  3. This Line works every time:

    "Take a picture; it'll last longer."

    punctuate with your iciest smile.

  4. show ur pic and id b able to tell y they stare at u

    umm do u always keep ur mouth open like that? might b a reason y they stare or cud b the way u dress, or sometimes people just stare to 'time pass"

  5. ur eyes bulge a little and ur expression is odd. Maybe thats why they stare?

  6. You are definitely overreacting and seem to have a complex.  Why would you think that people are looking at you like they think you are acting better than them or that you are wearing something inappropriate?  You are being someone who thinks they are all that if you are "guessing" that is what they are thinking.  Normal people just don't care who you are or what you are wearing unless you are doing something bizarre.  Otherwise, you have an issue you need to get over.  Get an analyst and find out why you have these issues.

  7. a lot of teenage girls stare at other teenage girls because they see them as a threat to their own beauty. They just judge everyone. The best thing you can do is look straight ahead and not at everyone else (they might think your staring back at them!) Girls are wayyy judgemental of looks and always want to believe they're the prettiest ever.  

  8. dont let it bother you  people can be rude or they just stare for no reason  i dont like this trait in people either  i think the education of a person got something to do with it  the people i know who stare at people usually arent too bright

  9. I really can't stand that either and I'm 54. I have, all my life tried to let it not bother me. But, still I can't help it. I just look the other way or try not to make eye contact with the starer. Some times I even walk away and avoid the person who is staring. I wish I had the answer, but I don't. Sorry : (

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