
Too powerful?

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Well im writing a book and i created an alien race. They have advanced technology and i was wondering if they seem a little too overpowerd.

First of all, they have the ability to generate Supermassive Black holes, and SuperNovas. They also have the ability to generate gravity to a massive scale. They have mastered FTL travel but i'm not going to say how. it's kind of a mystery to the human scientists lol considering that it breaks many of the physics laws out there.




  1. As a physicist, this makes me squirm.  However, that is the beauty of literature.  What you are doing is to entertain, not to adhere the rules... even to physics.  I think a super-powered alien race that can do these things is not too much.  I don't know if you intend these aliens to be malevolent or benevolent, but I don't see how this would affect the measure of 'power', i.e. too much or too little.

    Once you write this, let me know, I am interested =)

  2. i think that they are too powerful!!!

    wow thats to much

    p.s. yur hot lol

  3. Many of these things you have written actually do break the laws of physics, but I think if you want to make a good book then its a wonderful challenge for you to make your readers believe the impossible, however if you want to give physicist an inch you don't need FTL you can use worm holes. I'm interested i'd like to know how the book turns out, and would like it if you could tell me when it's finished

  4. As a fellow writer I believe that no foe can be too powerful, it makes for better writing when the heroes have to actually work to accomplish a goal, or not, depending on what you want from the story.
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