
Too sleep deprived to think up a suitable title?

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Point form as too exhausted (apologies)

5 week old baby girl

Exclusively breastfed

Straining and pushing to push out flatulence and poo - causing what looks like extreme pain - crying

Hasn't done anything in 24 hours - poo is Green

Dr's say it's OK and "normal" - but being up all night for 2 days to comfort baby less 5-10 minute breaks while she sleeps (due to exhaustion) is not "normal"

What do I do?

Extra ? - was it caused by cauliflower in cheese sauce?




  1. I exclusively breast feed my 7 week old daughter.  She also has greenish p**p, which the color itself could be totally normal for your baby.  It's normal for my baby.  

    The cheese contains lactose and it could be irritating your baby's tummy and the cauliflower could also be doing it.  Some green vegetable can be irritating to a breast fed baby's tummy.  But if she seems constipated she could have a large build up of gas that is stopping her up.  

    Try moving her legs in a bicycling motion and massaging her little belly.  If all else fails as the doctor about mixing a bit of juice into your pumped milk in a bottle and seeing if that will get things moving.  For gas build up you can give Mylicon gas drops.  They help some to move the gas out.  You could also try glycerin suppositories, which are sold in every drug store.  

    If still no relief, I'd take your baby into the doctor to be seen.  I hope this helps.  Been there, done that, still do that sometimes.  Hang in there.


    I would try supplementing then for a feeding or two and pumping your milk.  Perhaps it may have been something you ate and needs to get out of your system.  I know my daughter is very sensitive to dairy and strawberries as well as caffeine.  I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.  Try maintaining a bland diet for a couple of days and drinking lots of water.  

    Like I said before, if all else fails take her to the doctor and explain what has been going on.  A breast fed baby not pooping is not usually normal.

  2. breastfeeding is the easiest on your babys tummy. As soon as he/she feeds it comes right out, like pea soup.  Sounds like your doing all the right things.  Sometimes what you eat may cause gas but a lot of things can cause gas.  Make sure you drink plenty of water.  Have a glass of water next to you everytime you are ready to feed.

    Your baby may be feeling your anxiety and that may be why he/she is crying.  The more well rested you are the better mother you will be.  Don't feel guilty that you put him/her down.  There will come a time when you DO HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM, YOU DO HAVE TO EAT, AND POSSIBLY SHOWER.  Having my baby nestled in my arms and smelling her sweet smell as she was breastfed always made me feel very at peace.  To the point where I would fall asleep while she was feeding.  

    Take you and the baby for a ride in the car around the block like several times, most babys fall asleep on the ride to places like the pediatricians which is like 10 minutes away so take a ten minute drive and go home.  Keep the baby in the carseat as you lift him in the house and let him sleep and you sneak a nap.      

    Congratulations and good luck!

  3. verry possibly, try to eat bland foods for a few days to see if that helps, think grilled chicken b*****s and green beans. It will get better soon, dont worry, you will asleep again!

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