
Too slow at building MTG decks?

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Does anyone else have this problem? Like, you want to build a great deck to beat people with when the newest set comes out, and by the time you spend too much time building your "perfect" deck, the next block has already begun to arrive, and there are new cards to deal with! It's so complicated choosing from thousands of cards only to be forced to consider the new ones that have come out and adjust to them so you don't get surprised when you see a new card played

P.S. I always lose most of my games because I'm such a noob at building decks even though I have been observing the game since 1995. I even lose against high school kids (younger than I am, but not by much)




  1. ya, the mt community moves extremely fast, and it's hard to keep up with them!!

  2. dude the perfect deck is something that u build to keep and always have regardless of its legality just so u can play with others and their perfect decks, you know the one with your lonely mox thats all beat up and u traded way heavy just cause its a mox, the deck that u play only once or twice a year in battles that u win or loose by turn 3 if u are lucky,

    and by when u get the perfect hand u can just hear a chorus of serras singing in the distance, and the sweet smell of the lotus fills the air,(even though u never seen one in person) you can sence the time as u tap the mana for your turn one kill, the slight fear of the force of will ur opponent may hold even if he does not have a blue deck, and the execution...

    so yeah just play and dont worry about the new stuff unless u are playing in a tournie. and yeah i was like that but you can get better just by doingit over and over again good luck just play as much and as many players as u can.

  3. Just because the sets are new doesn't mean you need the cards from that set.  I'm in the same boat when it comes to being "surprised" by new cards but I do eventually memorize them.  If you're really that concerned about new card sets, take a look at and view their lists of card sets.  You can easily use them to decide what you NEED and what you don't.  My final piece of advice is to WAIT a bit for the new cards to rotate out of T2.  While they are T2 legal, they tend to be at their peak value.  When they aren't T2 legal anymore, their value usually drops rapidly.

  4. Well I would say don't worry about the new expansions. Work with what you have. have one or two ideas in your head that you want to build a deck around. Example: the Lorwyn set is good cause there are 9 different types of creatures. so pick one of the creatures and only use those creatures in your deck plus some spells.

    btw there are good web sites to get single cards from, that  

    you can search and purchase individual for cheap (usually) and don't have to worry about the randomness of a booster pack.

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