
Too soon for babies or go for it?

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We've known each other for a year and but been a couple only for the last 5mths, things have moved pretty quickly since then, we're totally in love its untrue (ok ok so I've heard all the stories about it being the honeymoon period) we live together, get on amazingly well, met each others parents, have had a holiday together and are now considering me coming off the pill and trying for a baby. Its what we've both wanted all our lives - a family. Is it too soon or is it go for it...lifes too short. I'm 32.




  1. Your right, life is too short and if your ready to start a family, go for it! No one is stopping you two!

  2. Where's the ring? I would recommend having a ring on that finger before you jump into the baby-making bed without protection. I personally feel its too soon, but again, my personal opinion. At the same time though, he may say that now but once you do get pregnant, he may leave. Then you'll be a 32 year old single mom. Weigh your options and do what you feel is right. Just make sure should something like him leaving you happen, that you have a good support system.

    HTH some.

  3. If its want you want, go for it!!

    good luck!

  4. Wedding first-Then live as a couple for a year before you get pregnant-Enjoy that year of freedom as it will be a long time before you are free again.

  5. if u 2 r ready, then go for it!!

  6. how about getting married first?

    and no - 32 is getting on a bit for babies - i'm guessing you've already got work sorted

    it's harsh advice, but too many people aren't using common sense when it comes to families  - after all, the family is the most important thing in life - do you and your other half work well as a team?

  7. If its what you both want, then I say, go for it.

  8. I'm old fashioned I guess.  I would say get married first and then go for it.  Congrats on finding the one of your dreams.

  9. If you both agree you are ready when why the h**l not? I mean your 32, Its not asif your a stupid 15year old wanting a baby is it. I was with my boyfriend for 3 months before i got pregnant unexpectedly, We was very much in love just as you 2 are, But our pregnancy came as a big shock (Especially with me being only 19 at the time, and him 27) To this day we are still together, we moved in together just after i found out i was pregnant, Our daughter is 9 months old and we love her with all our hearts and it made our relationship so much stronger (Now hes put up with all my pregnancy hormones, he can put up with anything i throw at him lol) Id say to go for it, as long as you are confident this is a lasting relationship. Good luck :) I hope you get your baby!

    EDIT: Come on everyone! She is a 32 year old woman! Why the h**l are you all giving her lectures on marraige. 2 people do not need to be married to have a child and stay together.

  10. I personally would feel more comfortable after a marriage commitment were made. It may seem irrelevant or unimportant but it is psychologically challenging and may give you each a real reality check. If you are unfazed and that goes well then you sound like you may be in a good place.

    My gut reaction, though, is that if you are asking here you are either looking to be talked into or out of it. Really search yourself for the reason you need to ask the question before going further. You are not out of time, don't rush it. Also consider if you would want a baby if you were single. You must prepare yourself for that possibility as well, we never know our futures.

    Good luck to you and when you know your heart then follow it.

  11. go for it your a 32 year woman your don't have to be married you are your own boss good luck

  12. If your asking on here then I think you have doubts about it.

    When you have no doubts whatsoever go for it.


  13. if the 2 of u r ready to make that commitment with each other then go for it  

  14. I would say go for it if the both of you feel ready.  If you love each other and are able to love a child why not. Good luck

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