
Too soon for pregnancy tests?

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My last period was July 12th, been TTC since July 19th. How soon can I take a pregnancy test?




  1. I think you should get an accurate test result if you took one now- have you missed a period yet? baby dust!

  2. Now should be good.

  3. Test when you miss your next period.

  4. It helps to know when you ovulated.  The average day of ovulation is 14, however everyone is different. Also, depending on how long your luteal phase is, would determine when you should test.

    Let's assume you have a 28 day cycle and ovulated on day 14 (July 26th). As of Aug. 9th, you are 14dpo and should be able to reliably test with an hpt.

    If you receive a bfn but no sign of af, I would recommend that you wait a few more days and retest.  Hopefully, you'll have your answer. Otherwise, a blood test may be necessary to have a definitive answer.

    Good luck!

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