
Too soon to have the feeling of lots of pressure?

by  |  earlier

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I am 29 weeks and I literally feel like the baby is trying to pop himself out! Its a feeling of pressure and when he moves the feeling of pressure is about 10 times more! I constantly feel like I have to urinate when this happens and when I go its either nothing or a seemingly never end stream. Anyone else? Also, everyone always says I am carrying so high that the baby is going to never drop! When did you drop?




  1. Maybe your due date is off.

    And you can drop a month before... or an hour before!  Everyone is different!

  2. Call the doc or midwife.

    1] could be some early labor [ but unlikely ] - should get it checked out!

    2] could also be a bladder infection - they can feel very different when you are pregnant.


    a] first babies frequently drop a month or so ahead of time. You can tell by -

    -- looking in the mirror

    -- being able to take deeper breaths

    -- having to pee very frequently

  3. usually the last 2-3 weeks is when the baby drops. Every baby/woman is different.  Some wait til 2 days before labor to drop. And your baby is growing and putting alot of pressure on everything, so of course your going to feel pressure.  But not being able to urinate, I would really ask the doctor about that, you might have a UTI, which can also cause pressure feeling.  But baby may also be laying just right he is pinching something also.  But ask your doctor about the urinating, jsut to be sure, but pressure is part of the last trimester.

  4. I am no expert but i did read on one of those pregnancy books that sumtimes u get that feeling  b4 labor begins or sumtimes it has to do with how ur baby's head  is but if i were u i would talk to my d.r. so he can perform a pelvic exam and make sure ur baby's fine.

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