
Too soon to take pregnancy test?

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My period is not due for another 6 days - 26th Aug...

(I think! They are very irregular)

Is it too soon to take a test even if I get one of those first response tests (read somewhere you can take them up to 6 days early)?

I just really need to know one way or the other but don't want to waste £20 if it's too soon and get an inaccurate result...

Thanks! :)




  1. If you can wait then you will get a more accurate result, however if it's driving you mad and you just need to know, then go for it. Do one first thing in the morning when the pregnancy hormone is at it's highest with your first wee of the day and if it's negative wait until the day you were due on and then do it again.

    Good luck!

  2. take it from a woman who took so many  pregnancy test  wait maybe 4 more days cause you are not even sure that your period is only 5 days way.  

  3. if you are irregular then how do you even know your late

    just count the days from when the last time you had s*x

    so if it has been 19 or more days then it would be a good time to test..and those tests that say 5 or 6 days sooner they arent so accurate you could get false negatives

    just wait to see if you get your period

  4. I would just wait until you actually miss your period.

  5. you can always take one if it's negitive and u dont get ur period take another if it comes back positive u probably are...but then again i'm not a doctor that's just my guess!!

  6. don't waste your money. give it a few more days. anxiety can be good for you- this kind of anxiety, anyways, unless you are like 14 or something. Good Luck!

  7. You are right, you can buy tests that can tell from up to 7 days before you are due - I took one and it worked (I was pregnant) the line was very faint so I ended up buying another 3 tests just to be sure - which ended up costing more than if I had waited a few days.  I personally couldn't wait to know, but if you are unsure of when you are actually due, it may be better to hold your money and try in a few day's time if you can stand it.  

  8. Well you may test and get a positive if you use one 6 days early, then again you may get a negative so who knows.  Personally Id wait so I wouldnt be disappointed twice (first for the early negative and then for the second negative) if I wasnt pregnant.

  9. I never tested until I was at least 2 days late going by my longest cycle as my periods were also irregular, only slightly though. I don't see any point in testing early as if its negative you will test again and again, and your period may show up exactly on time and you've wasted your money - pregnancy tests are not cheap!

  10. it seem quite early... everyone is different when it comes to the amount of HCG in their systems, and you may not have enough in you to show up on a preg test at this time. I would just wait a week and then test. For accuracy reasons, i wouldnt test yet.

  11. If it will ease your mind, get a pack with two tests. Take one tomorrow morning when the hcg levels will be highest in your urine. If it's negative, you can always take the second test in a few more days, or when your period does become late.  

  12. If you don't want to waste your mony then don't test now. I bought a load of cheap midstream tests online so I could keep testing whenever I felt I needed to. Those first response tests might be able to tell in some cases but I don't think they have a high success rate if you are testing real early.

  13. Too soon, way too soon! Try to forget about it and enjoy your love life!!

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