
Too soon to test for pregnancy, nine days after intercourse?

by  |  earlier

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I had unprotected intercourse on Sunday 7/13. About four days later I started getting a cramping sensation in my abdomen. It subsided after a while, but then a few days ago it stayed on my right side. Last evening I had bright red spotting, that lasted just one "wipe" and that was it. I took a HPT test but I'm wondering, could I be pregnant and that be too soon to test? My period starts between the 29-1 of every month and if I calculated correctly, I'd be ovulating around the time that I had intercourse. When should I retest again? I've taken three, that sounds extreme, but I'm incredibly anxious. All have turned up negative so far. So my question is this, should I wait until the 1st, or wait a week after and see what happens? Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated.




  1. If your period isn't due until the 29th at the earliest, then it is too early to take a pregnancy test. I would wait until the 1st. Good Luck!

  2. just wait until AF doesnt show

  3. Generally an early detection test will be accurate 10 days after conception AND a few days before a missed period. I would wait to take another test until the 25th or 26th, and make sure you use your "first urine" because the pregnancy hormones are more concentrated then and the test is more likely to be accurate. Good luck.

    EDIT: I took one 13 days after conception and it gave me an accurate positive result. I was also supposed to be getting my period right around that time.

  4. I too am on the same schedule as you. You should wait until the end of the month. I couldn't wait so I took one today and it came up negative. I don't know why I did it, I knew it was too early it's just so hard to wait so basically I wasted a test.

  5. I would wait another week.  Good Luck to u!

  6. You need to wait. It could have been rough s*x. Or perhaps you guys were in  a position where he did not (sigh) "thrush" properly because you are cramping days after. And if you had some bright red spotting, I suggest drinking 100% cranberry juice b/c if you did not pee after you had s*x, it could be a UTI and you don't want that. But preg.? It's too soon to tell. Good luck.

  7. i would test again on the day your supposed to get your period if it doesnt come...if it comes up negative...and you still dont have it a couple days later...take another test...go to the dollar store and get the tests they have there..they are cheap and they work just as well as the ones you would get in wal mart or something...i tested the day and the day after i was supposed to get my period and i got a negative both days...tested again 2 days after that and i got a was probably way to early to test...implantation happens 7-10 days after intercourse and then thats when you start getting symptoms because thats when the hCG starts building...good luck! baby dust!! :)

  8. I am in the same exact boat!!!!!

    I had unprotected s*x on the 12th adn the 13th and that was when i was most fertile!!! LOL ive took 4 test so far all negative Im suppose to start my period around the 28th!! So everyone keeps telling me to wait and see if my period starts, and if it dosent then take a test. bc they could still all show up negative but if you wait untill after when your period was suppose to start it could be possible that your pregnant!!!!!

    Im actually trying so I hope that I am. If you are good luck!!!

    But i would just try to stay calm (trust me its hard) I want to take a test stay clam and wait a about 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!

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