
Too stupid to be protected?

by  |  earlier

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A bloke claims that he left a loaded air rifle in his garden, and his 5 year old daughter shot his 18 month old baby (now dead from the injury).

Personally, this seems pretty dubious to me - the police continue to investigate, and are now only saying that it 'appears' to be an accident, rather than definitely being one.

If someone is so stupid as this air-rifle owner - can we be protected from them? can they be protected from themselves?

Should they be removed from the gentic pool? or should we accept that there are stupid people and they will do stupid things?




  1. I was thinking the same thing myself.  I'm always dubious when something this happens.

  2. The gene-pool suggestion is a bit OTT.

    But on here you are entitled to your opinion.

    Having handled a air-gun myself bearing in mind it does take a bit of strength to pull the trigger due to the pressure & the weight of the gun.

    So stating the obvious, this 5 year-old must either be

    a, very strong

    or b. it was just unfortunately a bad shot.

    I too smell a rat.

    BUT We had no choice but leave it to those people who specialise in investigating the incident & if or when it is proved to NOT be an accident, hope the CPS prosecute & punish who is responsible.

    Same as most people have said Dad will have to live with the consequences of this for a long, long time.

    & any father would dread to have that weight on their shoulders.

  3. We can only lock them up AFTER the crime, not before the crime occurs. I agree that many people are ignorant and so many "accidents" could have been prevented with an ounce of commom sense...

  4. Rather that protecting your criminal element by banning the ownership of firearm why not properly train your SUBJECTS in the proper use and the simplest safety precautions of firearms. That will lead to LESS accidental deaths and LESS bold criminals on your little rock.

  5. Well I would say he was pretty stupid to leave the air rifle where his 5 year old could get her hands on it.  But to say he should be removed from the genetic pool is not needed.  He will have to live with this mistake for the rest of his life that alone will be enough I would think.

  6. if we'd remove all stupid people from the pool, we'd have nothing left.

  7. i agree with you

    this all seems a bit suspicious

    how easy is it for five year olds to point rifles and then pull the trigger?

    i hope the little girl isn't being made the fall guy to cover up for her dad who is at best extremely irresponsible

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