
Too young for the beach??

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I'm planning on taking my 15mth old daughter to the beach next week but i reckon shes too young my husband thinks she'll love it! Who's right?? Wot do you think? Im thinking she'll eat the sand, hate the freezing water and be bored while my husbands thinks she'll love building sandcastles and swimming... She only just started walking and is still pretty unsteady on her feet :D




  1. I think she will love the beach! My children all went to the beach by 12 months and enjoyed it. Just in case she doesn't like it, bring a small child size tent. Put a blanket on the bottom of it and throw in a few of her favorite toys/books. The tent will also work for her to eat lunch in, so that she doesn't get sand in her lunch. Bring sand toys and water toys for her. If she doesn't want to build a castle, but would rather just play in the sand, let her! Don't push anything. If she is scared of the water, work her into it. Start her off about a foot from the shore line, then go to wear the water splashes up to, and just keep working your way in, until you are up to about her belly button, or as far as she would like to go. You may have to hold her up, if she wants to go farther, so she doesn't get water in her mouth. Have fun!

  2. I think you should do whatever makes you happy.

    There is no point going to the beach with her if all you are going to do is worry and wish you were home again.

    I don't think any harm would come to her on the beach, because you seem to be a very good mom, but you will have your work cut out for you, keeping her safe. Make sure that before you go, you have your husband on board, keeping her safe and out of trouble. He can't just lie there, watching you wash the sand from her mouth etc etc.

    She will most definitely be experimenting with eating sand, etc. etc. but it's all part of being a toddler.

  3. She'll love it.  We started bringing our son on the boat and to the beach at about 6-7 months old.  No sand eating, no tantrums, just lots and lots of fun.

    Bring an umbrella or sun shelter--sunscreen is not enough on the first visit, especially if she's fair skinned.  I packed snacks and drinks, bottled tap water for rinsing off sandy hands before eating and sandy bottom before going home, lots of sand and water toys, a ball, a float, and a baby hat and sunglasses--makes for adorable pics!  

    You'll be fine.  Have fun.

  4. My daughter is 16 months old and went to the beach at 15 months old.  We were at a camp ground because my in-laws were there so we visited and walked down to the beach ( they are in the same park).  She walked through the water, holding our hand of course, walked around, played with her toys in the sand.  She didn't try to eat the sand at all, but overall she had a great time.  She was laughing and giggling the entire time.  I just made sure that I kept reapplying her sunscreen, so she didn't get burnt.

  5. you wont know till you try it, my kids love the beach but my second hated around that age he didnt like the wind or the sand but hey give it a go she may love and have great fun even if she only wants to walk along the beach dont think shed like the cold water though and as for sandcastles well she may have fun trying it out

  6. i think she will love it...i dont think there is any thing to worry about just keep a good eye on what she is doing:)

  7. haha i think she will love it!! when i was younger i was totally loved it.(my grandma told me and shows my pictures) i have been going there since i was 7 months old.

    if you decide to take her buy her a bucket and shovel and maybe a ball she will have a blast! and if you want to try to take her in a water you can buy these baby floaties where they sit in and olny their legs are in the water.

    hope she will like it =)

  8. I took my daughter to the beach for the first time when she was 7 months old and then again at 9 months.  The first time was in Oregon, so the water was like ice water.  She hated the water but loved the sand, birds, and the whole scene.  The second time was the Gulf Coast in Florida, and the water was warm so she went in a bit.  She wasn't sure what to think, but still loved the sand, birds, and beach scene.  She never tried to eat the sand, but loved feeling it between her toes.  She wasn't walking then (started the very day we got back home).  I think the sand would be nice to fall on if your daughter does.    At 15 mos, there's no way she'll be building sandcastles, but she may enjoy the water.  Mine loved it at 15 mos.

  9. Depends on your child's personality.  Just go, and use it as a photo op if she just sits there. :)

    I live next to the great Lake Superior, so kids just live at the beach.  We're spoiled with a 15 minute ride to miles of sandy beaches and crisp water.  My babies have gone from 8 months up.  They all love it.  Even just sitting there, it's new.  It's more to check out.

    Carry her into the water, if she hates it, then you know.  But she may love being picked up and down into the water.

    Create memories!

  10. We took my sister to the beach last year when she was only 7 months old. We put her in a little floating boat.  She didn't' mind being there as long as our mother was near by.  She loved it.  Although, she kept l*****g the salt water off of her floaty.  She liked the sand too.  It should be okay, just as long as you watch her. Remember to bring sun screen, a hat just for her, and keep her shaded when possible.

  11. I think she may love it. If she seems at all scared though take her right home and try again in a few weeks.

  12. My son went at 11 months old and loved it, he enjoyed stood waiting for the water to get his feet, he didn't actually go into the water though, i don't think there's any harm in trying her, have fun! :D

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