
Too young to, or too soon to....?

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So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. We are really considering marriage right now, we are only 18, but we wouldn't get married till at least 19. Is that too young. We know for sure that we want to get married someday but would we be too young. We already basically live together, and we tell people that we are husband and wife just as a habit. Any thoughts?




  1. People go through an INCREDIBLE amount of change between 18 and 30. Ten years can turn you into a totally different person. Some people your age make it. Some don't. It all depends on if you can tough it out through the changes without growing apart. It will be hard. But it can be done. Age doesn't necessarily determine success in marriage. Commitment and hard work do.  

  2. When you marry somone the courting stage of the relationship is over. I would wait a few more year because you might decide to seperate.Youll be partying and getting drunk and having fun.  

  3.   Marriage is a big step but if you truely love him and think everything is going to be ok, then go ahead. Make sure you settled in every situation. Money wise, family wise, etc. I think 19 is a ok age to get married. Good luck. ( :  

  4. Well To Me its wayy To young I mean your like not even old enough to drink and get into the bars you want to have fun in your twentys not stay at home with you Husband doing the laundry You should Really have fun unless your man is a fun person who goes to every water park there is or likes rollercoasters or something

  5. ita amazing how much people change as they get older and i know lots of people who grew apart because they got together to young. if you are happy together why change it by getting married wait untill you are about 25 before you get married because what you want now might be different when you are a fully grown adult. i know you love each other so dont worry about stuff like that and just enjoy each other

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