
Too young to trail ride alone?

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I have a 3 1/2 year old WBx that I trail ride with. In a group (which I have been doing with him for a while, and for his first time he went out with another very experienced horse) he was wonderful. For a few weeks I took him out on trail walks (by hand - I was not riding him) and let and him take in the surroundings. Then I took him out for the first time alone, and I have been doing it every so often. We don't go far, and I am very confident with him. He does fine, but he is certainly a little unsure of himself. Should I stop taking him out alone? I'm worried that if something happens out there (god forbid a dog comes after him or something), he'll lose it and turn into a trail-a-phobic horse.





  1. No, don't stop taking him out alone. Thats stupid, if he's doing fine than why the h**l would you stop.

  2. take you mobile phone,

    if u trust him and he trusts u ur fine.

  3. just bring your cell phone with. if anything it will help him better in the long run.

  4. carry a cell phone.  You should take him out because if you dont then later he will get spooked just let him interact with his environment and once he's used to it he will eventually have no problem with anything and think its just another old ride in the same old woods.

  5. It's never really a good idea to trail alone seeing as most of the time things tend to happen. It's a good idea to take your cell phone and medical supplies just in case. Duct tape or an easy boot is good too if your horse loses a shoe. Food and other supplies like a slicker are good as well because you never know what will happen.

  6. If you are worried about the horse I would say don't.  The exposure that he gets will make him a better horse.  Welcome a dog to jump out each time you ride.  That will de sensitize him to the spooky things in the woods like the horse eating pines.  Do not freak out if he gets spooked.  It is all in how you handle it that will determine how he handles it.  If and when he spooks, familarize him with the spooky thing.

    Now if it is yourself you are worried about.  Don't take him out alone until YOU are comfortable.  He will feel your stress and that will cause him to stress.  Wear a helmet and boots and like the other person said, bring a cell phone.

  7. Riding alone is never a good idea....I won't bore you with particulars; however, where I live we have coyote, cougar and, riding alone is not an option for me.  Safety in numbers!!

  8. When out alone keep it short and simple to give him the confidence that he needs and try to at least ride with another for safety reasons.

    I used to ride alone alot but my horse was seasoned and a bit more experienced.

    I also agree with the other poster take a cell phone with you.

    BTW watch out for those dumb-blood moments lol I know how they can be 'cause I have one <3 and love every moment.

  9. If you're confident trail riding, even alone, then your young WB x can learn to be more confident from your attitude.  While its always safer to ride with someone else, in the real world this is not always possible.  If you feel comfortable then go ahead, just be careful and take precautions such as carrying a cell phone.  The more positive experiences you give him, the more reliable he will become on the trails.  Ask yourself what the worst thing is that might happen on a ride.  Think about how you would respond.  If you have a plan then you can still turn the ride into a positive learning experience for your horse; if for instance he shies and bolts a little way, can you circle him to a stop?  If you can, he has learned this is silly and things are fine, or if he really was scared, he learns he is safe with you.  Just take it one ride at a time.

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