
Took 'Ecstasy' for the first time. Terrible side effects/come down? Am I okay? Please help!!?

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I took ecstasy for the first time last night. It didn't really seem to have much effect, especially not at first and I was kind of disappointed. I did eventually feel a small contented buzz from it.

I was also walking in the freezing cold for maybe an hour or two with few clothes on after having taken it.

So I came home, feeling fine and go to bed feeling tired. I didn't really sleep, - sort of in that drifting phase. I felt very very cold however, even wearing my pajamas, a jumper, and under 2 duvets. I became aware that I was feeling uncomfortable and got up.

Very soon afterwards I was feeling very faint (i very almost did, and might have done for a few seconds), nauseous (spelling?), panicked, I have managed to get rid of these feelings by trying to calm myself down and sitting on the floor taking deep breathes. But i have a very bad pounding headache, one of the worst I've had in my life. Am I okay to take ibuprofen?

Am i dehydrated? I wasn't dancing at all whilst on the 'e,' but drank a small bottle of water anyway. I'm aware of the dangers of over hydrating yourself. I've been sipping on water, but the headache isn't really receding. How can I get rid of these feelings? Am I going to be okay?

Please, I know I've been stupid to take the drugs in the first place, I'm never going to do it again. Just looking for genuine help for my present predicament. Please....




  1. If you are having this bad of side effects and you didn't feel that much off of it, it probably wasn't ecstasy, what you took I have no Idea but you need to drink water like everyone has said and try to drink some orange juice antioxidant will help you. I know this sucks, me and my husband did some on Saturday and he is still feeling crappy, we did it with two others and I think there was maybe 2 pills that were actual ecstasy out of 9, i didn't feel the good feeling that I wanted, eccept for maybe 30 minutes then i just felt speedy, i think it was meth and my husband like I said still feels like c**p from it. we aren't sure if we aregoingg to take the risk again. All it takes it one bad time and it will make you never do it again. the fact that you feel dizzy and you can feel your heart pounding makes me think youdefinitelyy took something else. I usually start to feel cold on my comedown butSaturdayy i was exactly like you, i was freezing, I couldn't get warm, as soon as i fell asleep and slept it off I felt fine, no hang over what so ever, but my husband was a different story, he couldn't fall asleep and his pupils were different sizes he said that's what meth always did to him which he hasn't touched for a long long time. Needless to say we most likely wont be doing that again. Don't be down on yourself everyone makes mistakes, and you may feel pretty depressed for a few days just remember it is what you took and it will go away evetually. You should always keep yourself hydrated while on E, even if  you are not dancing, you won't kill yourself on a few bottles of water, it takes like a gallon an hour or more to kill you.

    Wow your lucky you didn't take more.

  2. Extacy give you a permafry.

    U are going to start having flashbacks and feel horrible

    until you do it again, then it goes aaway.

  3. Go see your doctor, you could be in more serious trouble than you think.

    P.S. Remember that Ecstasy causes your brain to actively decay, much the same way Alzheimer's does

  4. OK, I've tried it twice. The cold feeling is normal, the headache is normal. The only thing you can do about being cold is turn some heat on, the headache well im not real sure about taking medicine for it. Because X puts holes in your brain. The first time i tried i was told not to eat for a few hours before and when you were ready to come down then eat something. After that my head hurt so bad. Drinking water is normal, as long as you dont drink a whole whole lot. People have died from drinking too much water when rolling, it makes the brain swell. I suggest you dont do it again. I think the reason you panicked is because you were not around no one, if you were at a club then it would have been a better experience for ya. Hope this helps!

  5. It's better to go to a hospital. You did one stupid thing, don't do a second by not receiving the treatment you need.

    And don't do anything like that ever!!

  6. oh the joys of experimentation, in my experience with the "paranoia" feelings and don't worry that is all that they are, your cold because ecstacy screws with your internal temperature, and so if your not doing any activity like dancing to heat your self up you will feel : cold" especially if you were walking in the cold.    Now don't worry your having a minor panic attack/ anxiety attack and those are terrifying I have literally thought i was dying after doing the exact same thing.   NOW if your still feeling cold and you have a head ache, which is a symptom of dehydration, so i suggest you drink some more water and go ahead and take an ibuprophen you'll be fine, maybe go and run a nice hot bath with some candles drink some more water, and just "CHILL" stop thinking and freaking yourself out and just relax and you will b fine.      TRUST ME !!!!  email me if you have ne other questions

    Hey girl . just one more thing,   don;t feel bad about doing what you did and don;t let ne one make you fell guilty, every one makes mistakes and everyone or at least mostly everyone has experimented with drugs, some more than others, and what i can tell you is that there if something bad like "OVERDOSING " there is no warning it just happens, what you are experiencing right now is a come down. Ecstacy whe taken raises you serotonin levels in your brain ( the chemicals that makes you happy) and it raises those levels over 500 % and when the drug starts to where off your serotonin levels dip 500 % lower than where you were before you took the drug, so it is an instant depressant, which can give you thoughts of paranoia, extreme sadness, and loathing unmotivation and you can even feel ill.  I don't suggest you go anywhere near a hospital or a doctor not unless your headache doesn't go a way after a day or so.   DOnt worry your brain is rotting away as we speak either btw!!

    LIke i said to you before you need to go and relax and STOP thinking about what is going on with your body, if something was going to happen to you it would have already happenned,

    The reason your heart is pounding is cuz your stressing yourself out by reading what all these weirdos are saying when they have no idea what they are talking about.   Your giving yourself a panic attack, you need to RELAX SOMEWHERE stressfree, go and make yourself a bed on the couch make some tea or hot chocolate or watever and curl up on the couch and watch a movie, and keep your mind occupied.        Ecstacy isn't like the ecstacy back five years ago, like that reader said she felt all speedy, well ecstasy is half crystal meth anyways so her husband was right about feeling methed out!   THAT IS ONE NASTY DRUG< THE ABSOLUTE WORST DRUG OUT THERE NOW< DEFINTELY DON"T TRY THAT WHATEVER YOU DO!!

    Neways i added you so if you want to email me you can now!


  7. I can't see ibuprofen s******g you up, I've never heard of bad side effects when mixing E with headache drugs. Just in case though, check the label on the bottle to see if it shouldn't be mixed with anything. In any case, if you took a small enough dosage that you didn't get a huge buzz from it, you should be fine to take headache medication. Drink lots more water, it can't hurt you and it will clear your head. I've heard a lot of dehydration stories from friends who have taken ecstasy. Try to warm up - maybe have a hot bath/shower or turn on an electric blanket, after all, you were walking in the freezing cold. Good luck dude.

  8. Drugs are bad...mmmmkay? Lol seriously, I'm not going to lecture you. I'm guessing the time you took the 'e' was a good 5hrs ago? So what you are experiencing now is normal. Its a come down and you have to go through it before you feel like yourself again. The bad news is that depending on the type of 'e' you took, your come down could last anywhere between a couple of hours to a full 12hrs. If I were you I would drink a good couple of litres of water, take 2 ibuprofen and try to get some sleep. I bet when you wake up you'll feel a lot better. You are lucky that you only feel this bad. Hopefully you've learnt enough to know not to do it again :) Good night, sweet dreams  

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