I can't believe I'm writing this, but I've realised I've taken the completely wrong A Levels. I'm predicted AAA/AAB and was intending to do Law at university in 2009 but now I've changed my mind, although those plans seemed firm for a year or so.
I've decided I want to do something to do with property. I've no idea what though. I'm going through a difficult time deciding what course to pursue at university and I was wondering if people could give me advice.
My A Levels will be largely useless - Politics, Religious Studies and Psychology.
Can anybody give me any advice? Property development is something that interests me, but I've no idea how to go about getting onto courses, what the courses entail, and what to do if I have no relevant A Levels whatsoever (is there some sort of pre-degree course I can take?).
I can provide GCSE subjects and grades if it'd help.
Please help out a girl in need! Thank you x