
Took my 15 month old little boy to the ER yesterday with a high fever,?

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Along with the high fever, he was vomiting, sleeping a TON and when awake just acting like he was drugged up and about to pass out.

They concluded it was an ear infection/ sinus infection that was causing the fever, and the fever that was causing the other symptoms. They got the fever down and in turn he acted fine, like normal. They prescribed me the appropriate meds and sent us home.

He woke up this morning with a slight fever again, but I got it down to normal with Tylenol, and he's been acting great except now his appetite is raging. They told me to keep him off food for a few days, and milk-based anything, but he snuck some milk and a piece of cheese when my back was turned.

He's kept everything down fine, and if his fever is kept down they said he wouldn't throw anything up (he didn't vomit at all until he got the high fever) Would it be okay to give him watered-down milk and some crackers, especially since he's refusing any pedialyte (what they told me to give him)?




  1. Ick, watered down milk is a no no, lol. I know this from recent experience, as my daughter wasn't feeling well and they said the same thing, but we had to take a short trip downstate, so I gave my daughter some. She got sick everywhere in my car, her carseat and herself. The milk coats the throat and can stop the drainage from the infection. Crackers might be alright, try the unflavored pedialyte and add something if you have to(juice, kool-aid). If that fails, stick with water, maybe try chicken broth. It's important to keep them hydrated when they are sick, but milk is heavy and has lots of fat, not a lot of liquid left over for rehydration purposes. Good luck!

  2. My daughters dr. told me to give her diet sprite mixed with Gatorade in a syringe every 15 minutes then every 30 minutes, and on and on. she did great, as for food, bananas, applesauce, jello , crackers. No milk and juice. She refused pedialyte too. The diet sprite mixed with gatorade was great!

  3. I would keep him off of the milk products until he goes back for his follow up appointment.  Get some Popsicles. Kids always love Popsicles.  Chicken noodle soup is always good too with crackers. put a bunch of crackers in the soup to where it makes it like soggy cracker soup lol. he will get the salt he needs and he is taking in fluids at the same time. Give him a sip of water after each bite. then do the Popsicles for dessert.

  4. try gatorade kids love that stuff and it has all the stuff pedlyte has. iwould give him stuff as long as he can hold it down.

  5. no milk,..just juices  and crackers, toast. try jello though.  it's flavored and slides right down. every opp. you get, have him drink a glass of cold water. it's better all the time since it's so hot.

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