
Took my kid's friend to birthday party, she spilt coke...?

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Its common in our friends circle for birthday kid's parents to drive other kids to the party venue and back. Kids are 6-9 years. So, last weekend, I took a kid (6.5 yrs old) to my kid's party at an indoor place.

invite did say play clothes please. in the party, somehow coke spilt on her clothes, I went with her to the restroom, gave her the spare set of clothes I always carry, and she changed them in the big(handicapped) stall. we came back and party went on.

when i dropped her back home, mom became quite upset. Indirectly mentioned to her kid, "Hmm, looks like Aunty (me) was very busy, and couldn't tell u to be careful". And told me "it is ok, but next time you take care her, can u please be more careful'

I really don't know how the coke spilt, some kid leaned over or something. I am real mad. is it really my job to make sure such small accidents do not happen? it was a party after all!

and i DID have a spare set of clothes(am joking called overorganized mom!)..




  1. no if she didnt want an accident she shouldnt have sent the kid

  2. I couldn't agree with you more.  Kids are clumsy and you can't help it when food and drink get spilled.  It happens...  It sounds like this other woman is one of those parents who gets very worried when their child is in someone else's care.  I would do my best to shrug it off, but I know you must be so irritated.  If she really thinks that her child is the one child in the world who never spills anything, she is crazy.

  3. oh my god... tell the mum that she should teach her daughter to be more careful! That's ridiculous! The woman's an idiot - if a woman said that to me i'd chuck a cup of coke on her!

  4. Good grief! If her daughter's clothes were that precious she should have taken her herself and hovered over her like a helicopter!

    Of course not.  I'd be offended enough that I'd cut off contact with this person.  YOU WERE DOING HER A FAVOR.  

    If it were me, I'd never have had the foresight to bring extra clothes for a SIX year old.  Once they're past potty training, I stopped carrying clothes for accidents.  She should be thanking you, not nitpicking!

  5. you can only do so much in that area.  all you need to be concerned about is her safety and whereabout... and as far as i read, she got home in one piece.  anything else, is being over board on 'mother's' part...

  6. Kudos to you, overorganized mom....

    I do know some mom's who would freak as well, and I just attribute that to their character's and don't freak myself.

    Don't worry about it, you did the right thing.  If the girl had been swinging from the ceiling and fell into the cake, she may have a case against your actions, but that's not what happened and you did far better at addressing the problem then most people out there.

  7. Sounds like this mom needs a reality check.  Kids get their clothes messy.  It is no your fault.  Give her some OXI CLEAN and perhaps don't take her kid anywhere anymore.

  8. OMG!!1 NO, you are not responsible for making sure a 6 and a half year old doesn't spill stuff on her clothes.  It's a common thing for kids that young.  That mom should just be glad that you got her kid home safe!!!

  9. i would not have even brought another child to someone else's birthday. regardless of it being the "norm" you should have talked to the parent of the birthday kid....then talked to your friend to see if it was okay to bring her...and expecially if you know that the friend's child was wearing something that was not requested to wear- playclothes...

  10. wow... ur really worryin over nothing... the child is a kid and kids are going to be kids....not ur fault

  11. Yeah, kids spill stuff.  Grownups spill stuff.  Nobody is a robot who never has a klutz moment.  It's ridiculous to blame you for the fact that her kid spilled something on herself. I would probably not want to drive that kid again, because I would be afraid that if the kid tripped and scraped a knee, or got ketchup on her shirt,  lost a small toy, or had one of the zillions of other possible small mishaps that kids have, the mom would blame me.

  12. You are in no way responsible for the kid having soda spilled on her.  If the mom was that concerned, she should have taken the kid to the party herself.  You were kind enough to try to help get the stain out and give her a spare set of clothing so she could continue on at the party comfortably.  If she was that upset, she should have sent the kid with play appropriate clothing that could get stained...they're kids for God's sake!  This woman sounds psycho.

  13. I don't know how parents expect their children NOT to get dirty. They are kids! Accidents happen and messes will occur. You were being a responsible parent by allowing her daughter to use the spare set of clothing. I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted you leaving her in the clothing that had coke all over them, would she?

  14. no, you did fine.  You don't have to answer to some ridiculous person like that.  Kids get dirty it's their job.

  15. Your sister in law or sister (whoever she is to you) is just overreacting. At a birthday party accidents are bound to happen. The same thing could have happened if the mother was present. You even provided an extra set of clothes for the child, so it's not like you left the child in wet clothes all day. A thank you would have been nice.  I would have told her something, most likely something smart back, b/c I don't think she should have given me attitude. You did a nice thing by taking her child to a birthday party that I'm sure had a good time and yet the mother doesn't seem to appreciate that. You didn't do anything wrong. Anyone who has gone to a kids birthday party knows that their child's clothes are going to get dirty. They are children, not robots.

  16. That mom is a freak.  Her child is going to grow up with a complex.  Children are dirty and messy.  That mom should slow her roll.  We had a friend who's mom refused to let her child get dirty at all.  The child had to see a psychiatrist because she had mental breakdowns every time she got a little dirty.  Part of her therapy was to go outside and play with mud.  That mom is a freak.  You did everything perfectly.

  17. of course not, that mother needs to chill - kids are kids and stuff happens, she should have thanked you for taking the child AND for helping the kid when the spill happened, sheesh!

  18. Not really, you did perfectly fine, I've had coke spill on me many times.

  19. It sounds like shes being irrational. KIDS HAVE ACCIDENTS. It is part of childhood. I remember playin in the mud in my backyard when i was a kid. Dont worry you didnt do anything wrong. It was pop. That mom needs to settle down.

  20. i would say that you were responsible if something spilled on the kid... but it was an accident... yet you were responsible for bringing a spare set of cloths! good job!

  21. You are an over organised mom and good on you.  I would be inclined not to offer to take this persons child next time and suggest that you don't want that the responsibility, as although you have done you best in the past the effort given was only criticised.  Perhaps they require their child to be wrapped in bubble wrap, but in the real world things get spilled or worse, so they should probably accompany their child everywhere she goes to protect her.

  22. Kids spill stuff, accidents happen (party or not) You did the most responsible thing anyone can ask for. This mom sounds like she thinks she's perfect. Seriously, they're kids! No amount of telling them to be careful is gonna get them to not spill stuff (especially a 6.5 year old) This mom is acting more immature than the kids! That was rude, obnoxious, and slightly manipulative to say to her child that you were too busy to tell her to be careful. If you're going to have kids expect spills up to the age of 16 (and even there there's still some kids, like the accident-prone, that will make messes)

  23. don't cry over spilled milk, or in this case coke. that mom is kind of get dirty, that's what baths and washing machines are for....has her child never spilled anything in her life? Really.... just silly

  24. Yes

  25. No, you're not responsible for that.  My goodness, I'd be so thankful to have a trustworthy friend that could take my kid to a party for me.  I wouldn't complain about something like spilt coke.

  26. This mom is ridiculous. Accidents happen and kids spill things! h**l, I spill things! I can't imagine why any human being would even care that their kid got some spilled coke on them. What a nut.

  27. No problem with the spilling of the coke, accidents happen, the mom was a jerk about it.

    However, whats a 6 year old doing drinking coke?  caffeine, corn syrup???

  28. I think you were fine...maybe the other mom was having a bad day..accidents happen ya sisters would get mad when I would watch her son and he would get dirty (like if while he was eating lunch, got mac n cheese on his pants or something) I finally told her that if she wanted me to watch her kid then she needs to get over it...seriously...It isn't like the world is going to end because they spilt something...Clothes are washable...You have nothing to worry about....I don't think anything was wrong with what happened.. My motto is..if no one is bleeding and we don't have to go visit the ER then it is a great day!

  29. you're very well organised and you're definitely not at fault.

    The kid was probably ecstatic his overprotective and fussy mum didn't take him/her to the party as he/she could act like all kids do. don't take her kid anywhere again.

  30. There is absolutely nothing else you could have done to make the situation more in control that what you have already done. That momma is way over board in reacting that way. If my child was at a party, I would think something was wrong if he wasn't a mess coming home. You did everything right. Don't let a OCD parent make you think twice.

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