
Took my last active birth control thursday or friday...i cant remember but i still havent gotten my period..?

by  |  earlier

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thats probably not good what should i do? when should i start my new pack??


i still havent started my period and havent had any real symptoms

ive had alot of stress lately could this be whats goin on? like my bf cheated and then went to jail the next day after i found out is that maybe why my peiriods later then normal? should i even be worried? ive been on the pill for a yearish trinessa is what i take




  1. Just start your new pack at the normal time, don't delay it or anything.

    If you missed any pills then pregnancy is a possibility, if not then it's quite unlikely.

    Sometimes a woman can find a period skip, even on the pill.

    You can take a pregnancy test as well though.


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