
Tools to help ADHD child?

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my son reads pretty well but he has a problem with understanding what he reads and putting it on paper. Also he has a problem with writing as well so it is hard for anyone to understand his answers especially in math and english. I have an IEP meeting next week. I was thinking about suggesting the following: an extra copy of homework so one he could do the answers and the other one he could rewrite the work a little neater. 2) I was going to buy a tape recorder so he could put his thoughts on tape and hear it back and then write his answers down. Anyone have any other suggestions.




  1. You could have a peer take notes for him in class. Special Ed should pay for the duplicate paper for the peer OR the teacher can give his/her notes to your son, for studying. Also, he could take some tests verbally.

  2. My daughter has trouble understanding her school work. Her teacher sends her home with homework and then she gets into trouble when she can't do it, she also gets extremely frustrated and angry. I have this week been in for her IEP review and decided to raise the matter with her teacher. He thought she had understood what she had been taught and how to do the homework. It has been found she has trouble processing the information and retaining it. I have now requested that she has extra help with comprehension to ensure she has more of a grasp of what is expected of her. I think when you go to the IEP meeting you explain all the problems to them and get them to give him more help. Try to be as supportive as you can at home but equally school should be as supportive in meeting your sons needs. Good luck.

  3. our son had the same problem this is what we did: My husband first gets my son to relax and calm down first, then read to himself then he reads out loud with a pencil and piece of paper at hand he reads one paragraph at a time after each paragraph he tells me his  thoughts  and I write them down in simple short sentences for him I don;t do his work but i help then he takes his thoughts that I wrote out in seperate sentences and begins to put them in order then he reads them out loud and then he marks and remarks things the way order they should be then rewrites them out after he has read every paragraph and does the first steps. This takes a little longer than most other home work put it does work his relaxation techniques are closing his eyes and taking deep breaths he also stretches the math thing if it is a worksheet he will copy the problems down on another sheet do them on that then copy them on to the worksheet he will do this 2 or 3 times if he feels he needs to.  when it comes to writhing assignments he seats down with me at the computer tells me his thought i will type them down just as he tells them to me we print them go over them with a red a pen use the pen to kind of dictate what thought goes where then he uses the paper to keep track of his thought he talks them out still with me typing them out after we do this we again us the pen to do reordering so to speak we keep doing this until we get it just write then if it has to be hand written he takes the paper and handwrites it just as it is on the type sheet if it doesn't then he turns in the paper we typed he does all the thinking and all the work I just type and I am there if he gets upset or loses focus or gets fustrated

  4. hey i am 17 now and i have the same problem i helped my little brother who is 15 now and he is doing better what we used was our computer and he typed his stuff out you kno when you typing in a word you sound it out as you go and the helped him learn how to spell and understand what he is writing then i had him write it again down on paper

  5. Some of my students use an AlphaSmart, which is a word processor, that can go with them from home to school. The tape recorder is a good idea as well. There is a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking that is a speech recognition software. You speak into a microphone and it types what you are saying. In my county we can put this on a computer at home and at school. WIthout knowing if it is a legibility issue or integibility issue and his age that is about all I can suggest. Good Luck, fight for what is best for him!!!

  6. Explain to your son he is special in a good way.People that come in contact with him may and will have nice remarks.Ignorant remarks or just flat out mean remarks and only our father knows what else.Think on these terms anytime a persons says something mean.He must have done something right,therefore they think he is pulling their leg.

  7. This may help. First off, combining phonics with cursive handwriting practise (saying the sounds of the letters phonically while writing) teaches using all the senses..and the hand remembers movements which makes it easier to recall. Reading and understanding is a tough one for any learner. Reading short stories and then recalling as much detail as possible, verbally and then moving on to written.  Does your son have an interest? Football, fishing, racing maybe..if so If he watches a match ask him to write a report about what he has seen... Does he keep a diary?? this can be useful for writing thoughts down..recalling holiday's, days out etc.

    Have you heard of a games called Zoombinis.. They are excellent games which encourage logical and lateral thinking, mind you any brain training games can help.  Good luck

  8. how old is your son? methods to help vary depending on his age and ability levels?

    If he's nine then ive found post-its help a lot. if his ability levels allow him to make reasonable answers to things then its good to write ideas on post its. he can then rearrange them as he wants,. this will help him to understand what he is trying to say in smaller sections, order them to 'make sense', and generally makes writing less daunting, the small sections can then be typed up. Ask the school to pair him with a more confident writer and allow him to dictate is another idea.

    If you want his understanding of reading to improve, a lot of my parents have found that sub-titles on the tv when they are watching makes drastic improvements!

    i really hope this helps you, and good luck!

  9. On wright stuff they fish oil and a special diet which you asked professional.

    Research they found the drug for ADHD make it even worse.

    In small amount that it can help people,

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