
Toooo crazyyyyyyyyyyy ?

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okk so my boyfriend dumped me because he said that i was to crazy. he said that whenever we go to partys im always to busyy dancing with guys and playingg beerponggg to even have time for himm. im not that crazyy i just have funn, he said the final straw was when i got drunkk andwent streaking with 4 ppl, i know its bad but is that a reason to rewin a 4 yr relationshipppp im 16 btwww




  1. I'd dumb you too! You sound wild and crazy!

    I cant believe you're just need to slow down.

  2. why do you write thisssssssss wwwwaaaayyy :S:S annoying:/

    anyway, if you really care about a 4 year relationship you should have watched your behavior and craziness !! he was right when he dumped you unless he didn't give you any shot. if you want him back, show him that you've changed. good luck!

  3. if i were him i would have left you too. not a good thing for you to do. if u really liked him you should think more if he would like u to do something like that. and if its something u would like to be doing. something you could admit to and be ok with it. i think streaking is gross....especially for a 16 year old. if you have a boyfriend for 4 years and your 16 now, you should have already known that wasnt a smart move., drunk of not. if he were to put up with you for that long he must have really loved you. you have left him heartbroken. i hope he never goes back to your sorry ***.  

  4. your too immature to know what love actually is.

    not to mention your too young to be drinking.

  5. Yeah you need to tone it down seem to be a wild/immature one and he is looking for a mature girl... not someone that he has to worry and pick up from bars and hear about how she made out and had s*x with ppl at the parties. Grow up....

  6. Well it sounds like your a little bit of a partier and maybe he wants a girl that is more focused on him. I would probably break up with a guy that did that! I mean there is a time in life where if you are in a 4 year relationship that it should be taken seriously and not go out dancin on other guys and going streaking! Sry if thats not what you wanted to hear.. but your a little young to be doing that anyway!  

  7. yea i wouldnt want my gf to do what you are doing

  8. YEAH, your a little immature, no offense but im sure he thinks your a w***e, if your streaking and getting naked with other people besides your spouse, Id dump you too. sorry sweetie. PLUS YOUR NOT OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK. im surprised you didint get arrested. dumbass.

  9. i think you're young and not ready for a proper relationship, so just banter around.

  10. you sound like a mega s***k. i would dump you too

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