
Tooth Extraction After-Care?

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I just got a tooth pulled. It was my right side molar (31). However, I only was told to use gauze every 20 minutes until the bleeding stops but no other instruction. No care sheet or anything. I didn't think to ask before I left because I was a little out of it. And yes, this wasn't the best dentist but he took my insurance so I guess I got what I payed for. But if anyone could answer me just a few questions along with any other information it would be tremendously appreciated.

1. How long until the Novocaine wears off? It's been about 4 hours since they injected me. It seems to be wearing off a little finally...but 4 hours seems like a long time.

2. When should the bleeding stop? Its been about 3 and a half hours now and it is still pretty much soaking the gauze after a 20 minute period. No heaving bleeding or gushing though. Should I try to keep the gauze off it for a bit?

3. When can I eat? I mean, I definitely don't feel like a huge meal...maybe mashed potatoes or something.




  1. I had four of my teeth pulled for braces 3 weeks ago.

    1) The novacaine will where off in about 2-4 hours.

    2) I had to switch my gauze every hour for about 6 hours. But sometimes it bleeds more. If it is realy bleeding you have to apply pressure so the blood can come out. If it's soaked keep it on. Try washing your mouth with warm water and salt.

    3) You can eat anytime you want. When you first take out the gauze it does feel weird.

    Also, your mouth will taste like blood for about 3 days.

  2. 1- novocaine with epinephrine as a vasocontrictor lasts 4-6 hours

    2- U should not change ur gauze, it is once applied for 2-3 hours with good bitting pressure will temporarily stop the bleeding assuming u r not disturbing teh fornred blood clot

    3- Changing the gauze every two hours is 100% wrong

    4-You can eat at once but on the other side

    5- Soft food is recommended fo r the first 2-3 days

  3. Novocain does last up to 6 hrs but every person reacts differently as for the bleeding it may last up to 24 hours just spotting you only change the gauze depending how badly you were bleeding once every 20 to thirty minutes within an hour after 2 hours you don't need the gauze. As for eating do not chew on that side of your mouth where the extraction site is. Do not spit or suck through a straw for 24 hrs. After the 24 hrs have past, rinse with salt water one tea spoon to 8 oz cup.

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