
Tooth Extraction. Ouch!?

by Guest45232  |  earlier

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I have a tooth that needs extracting. For those who are familiar with dentistry - it is tooth #31. For those like myself who are not familiar with dentistry - it the tooth right in front of my right molar way in the back of my mouth.

I have had teeth pulled before but for some reason I am being a baby about this one. Maybe cause I have a baby girl due this week! I don't know. I'm just nervous because due to insurance I have to have this pulled by a different dentist than I am used to. I met him and he seems nice enough, but still, ya know. I don't know. Has anyone had that tooth pulled or one around that area? My former dentist suggested an oral surgeon at first but how the h**l can I afford that with this economy and a baby on the way!

I know it won't be as much pain as my wife has to go through. Believe me, she's already told me many times. :)




  1. Ya, getting teeth pulled now a days is really painless and a safe procedure.   Tooth 31 is no exception.   The most common teeth to be extracted on wisdom teeth, and unfortunately insurance does not cover it mostly.  However it has become an inpatient procedure and the recovery is pretty simple.

  2. After I got my wisdom teeth out, I started getting really bad grades in school. They told me it wouldn't effect my intelligence.

  3. Hey, I got 6 teeth pulled out like last month. I got put to sleep and mouth frozen as soon as i got up the surgery was over. I couldn't feel my teeth yet because of the freezing. It doesn't hurt that much but when you get home you just have to rest alot and eat and drink soft stuff like chicken noodle soup, bananas, cheese, ham, instant noodles, rice, and that kind of stuff for about a week. After that you can start to eat harder food like fruits and veggies. Soon it won't hurt at all and you can go back to your normal routine.

                                       Hope yours goes well Christina<3

  4. I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and that's in the same general area. Are you getting anesthesia? Or put to sleep? Well, if you're getting the anesthesia, like I did, then just beware of the pulling. The pulling and the tugging is actually what's painful, but it's tolerable... and you feel so much better when it's all done, which happens very quickly. After I got my 6 teeth pulled, I left the office laughing, I have no idea why. It's not bad after-wards.

    If you aren't going under anything.... well, then best of luck.

    To help you get past all the tugging, think about your upcoming baby girl. =]

    (by the way... I actually personally thought that the anesthesia was more painful then the actually... pulling. And the anesthesia is very very quick, like 2 seconds.)

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