
Tooth Fairy Help with in the next 3 hours PLEASE?

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My 6 year old just loss his first tooth, 20 minutes ago. The only problem is that it's not payday until tomorrow. His older brother told him, "Cool. I got like $5-10 for my first tooth (He was still an only child at this point). But, then the tooth fairy left me a note that I got $1.00 for a good tooth and $ 0.25 for any tooth with a cavity."

My question is what should I do leave an I.O.U. from the tooth fairy or can any of you give me an idea before bed time, so that he isn't robbed of this experience?

Bedtime is in 3 hours please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I would tell him that it was to late, and he'll come tomarrow...I have had to do the same thing before. I just said, well it already night time, and the tooth fairy is already going around..Good luck hun..I know that feeling all to well...

  2. In all honesty, you can let tonight go by and not do anything, and tell your child in the morning that the tooth fairy must of been really busy last night.  Then you can leave whatever you want tomorrow night.  Good Luck.  By the way that answer usually works.

  3. any way you can find some cash for him. go cash a 5 dollar check. take a few dollars in change and cash it at the store for dollars. good luck. just do what you can to get him some cash. if you absolutely can not get cash for him, then have a unfamiliar voice call him first thing in the morning and say " Hi, I am the famous tooth fairy and I had the night off and that I will be back tonight so make sure you leave that tooth for me"

  4. Write him a check...for the amount maybe?  Tell him that the toothfairy must have ran out of money and had to leave a daughter at 6 knows what a check is...good luck!!

  5. Tell him the tooth fairy has the night off and he should wait until tomorrow night so hes sure to get a visit!!

  6. There were lots of good ideas out there for you.  Other ideas I can think of:

    If you have any collectible coins, those would work and are special to kids

    Could your neighbor lend it to you? I know it may be awkward but he's only little once

    You could make a scavenger hunt for him that would be entertaining and it could lead him to a note/clue that tells him tomorrow night is the night

    Any extra presents laying around that you could use?

    Any gift cards not used?

    There is an on line company that I used that has poems, certificates, etc. it's toothfairyland.  You can purchase and print them out on the spot.

    You may be able to order a gift certificate on line and get the printable kind so you would have it right away.

    I'm sorry that this isn't turning out as magical as you hoped.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled with whatever avenue you decide upon.  I wish you well.

  7. hi there what you can do is just be like well since you already lost it at night the tooth fairy already passed our house so tommorrow night you will get something from the tooth fairy try that good luck

  8. i think you should just not give him anything and just plan a good day for him tomorrow. then the next night make sure to give him as much as possible with a typed note about some kind of delay.

  9. My friend ran into the same problem.  She just reminded her son that the tooth fairy is very busy at night and doesn't always get to everyone's house on the exact night that the tooth is lost.  She told him that he might get there the following night.  She also helped him write a note/sign for the tooth fairy the next day so she would be sure to see it.

  10. tell him the tooth fairy was so bizzy that she didnt have time to comeand that she willhave time 2 marrow night

  11. I would say leave a cute note from the "tooth fairy's helper", that the tooth fairy needs you to please leave your tooth under your pillow again because so many many boys and girls lost their teeth tonight she just cannot get to everyone (make sure to do this again sometime for your other son too) so if you can please be patient the tooth fairy will leave a little something extra for him too.  Also maybe if you have glitter or sequins you could sprinkle some under his pillow and on the floor by his bed, when the tooth fairy does come, make sure you leave a $ store toy or something extra along with the money.  Good Luck!!!

  12. I know this sounds totally mean, but maybe you could take the tooth out from under his pillow, and put it right under the bed, so it looks like it "fell out" from under his pillow.  Tell him the tooth fairy does not leave money if there is no tooth.  Tell him you will "call" the tooth fairy and tell her it was there but fell out and that you will ask her to visit again tomorrow night.  That way, you can buy yourself another night while you are waiting for payday, but not ruin his belief in the tooth fairy.  I had to use that one on my son when I just flat out forgot to put $$ under his pillow one time.....

  13. write a note with your left hand....or tell him that you need to save the tooth for tomorrow because you know that tues. are busy days for the tooth fairy and wed. he will more likely get a better pay out!  :)  I always got a book from the tooth fairy...never money!!

  14. I think you should write a letter "from the tooth fairy" explaining that she was very busy and could not make the trip, but she will get to him the next night. Make the letter seem as though it actually did come from the tooth fairy. I hope that it works, and good luck!

  15. On a note tell him there is only one Tooth Fairy and on Tuesdays she's in China collecting. Then give it to him asap!

    Good luck!!!

  16. I agree with a lot of the other answers above... a simple excuse should do the trick.  Do you have bad weather by you tonight?  You could say she couldn't travel in the rain/fog. (My friend used this excuse when she forgot once).

    My only other idea your kids have piggy banks with some money in them?  You could always borrow some and put it back tomorrow to try to avoid the disappointment.  (I'm sure your kids wouldn't notice it was missing for a day).

  17. Why don`t you have someone write a note from the sandman, explaining the tooth fairy,accidentally injured her wing.It`s in the "fairy mail. "mail, not with the "regular post-Put lots of glitter in envelope &money. That way he`ll have something to look forward for tomarrow

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