
Tooth coming out of gums-while a baby tooth is still there.

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I /really/ don't think we can afford a dentist.

I have a baby tooth that is a little loose, and above it it looks like a tooth it about to come out. I plan on wiggling the baby tooth until it becomes loose enough to pull, but I doubt it will be straight.

How harmful is this? And how harmful will it be if it comes out before I can pull the baby tooth out?




  1. how old are you??? if you are young up to 14 it will eventually push it out but I would try to pull it out if your worried the new tooth is going to be crooked,  if you are in your 20s i would go to a dentist.

  2. Well, it depends on how loose the tooth is.

    To be honest, I've never been to the dentist before in my whole life! I always pulled my teeth out myself.

    You could wiggle the baby tooth until it's loose enough to pull off or you can pull it out now. I recommend wiggling the tooth until it comes out. You have to wait for a while until it's really wobbly.

    I've pulled a baby tooth while a new tooth was coming out. No, it's not harmful at all unless you pull the tooth at a stage when it's not ready to be pulled off. The most harm is just the pain when it comes out but it's very minor and the gum will heal in a few days.

    If you pull the baby tooth now, you new tooth would be just a little miss-aligned. Just push the tooth to its proper place (It depends where it is. If it's backwards, push it forwards to its proper place. If it's forwards, push it backwards.) I had 1 or 2 slant tooths, but it all went better afterwards!

    Good Luck    xoxo



  3. If you still have baby teeth, you are too young to be on Yahoo answers! To answer your question, though, my son recently had a tooth erupt behind a loose baby tooth before it came out. Thankfully, it was wiggly enough to pull, as the eruption of one tooth behind the other can cause very crooked teeth and the need for orthodontic correction.

  4. Ahhhh how cute.  Sorry but I miss those days with my daughters.  Not harmful at all.  You will just have the tooth miss aligned...out of place.  But push the baby tooth back and fourth with your tongue and it will come out shortly...the sooner the better.  Then push the new tooth in the direction it should be in eventually the new tooth will become better aligned.

    I know because that happened to me and people think I have had braces.

  5. its not harmfull. i had a tooth that came through and did not manage to push out my baby tooth so it had to removed by the dentist. it was kinda a good thing that my baby tooth did not come out earlier as it meant my tooth coming through was more out off place (more than 4mm out of place) so i got my braces on the NHS (free)

    ...also when you are under 18 the dentist is free beacuse the NHS pays for it.  

    if the underneath tooth is in the right place i would get your dentist to remove it if you want straight teeth. if it is already quite far out of place i would leave it so the chances of getting braces on the NHS are higher.

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