
Tooth extraction question?

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i had tooth extracted on bottom jaw 6 weeks ago. After dry socket its started to heal. Only real problem it feels like something in the gap. I have rinsed, washed and looked carefully doesnt seem to be anything there. There is a small hard lump at the side of the gum. Could this be a bone fragment left after the extraction or is a the gum healing? It doesnt hurt but is really annoying me. can anyone help?




  1. if its hard, its a dead bone part that will come out by itself, if its soft, its a healing gum, leave it in peace dont disturb

  2. Stop playing with it. It's normal. Leave it alone lol... :-)

  3. Yeah, I had that same kind of bump. It took from about April 19th till the beginning of this month to go away completely. But its gone now.

  4. its a bone between the two roots known as intra dental bone. Dont keep playing with it or it will get infected. The gum will close up after some time.A dead bone can cause osteomilitis, its not dead bone.

  5. I had four teeth removed for braces years ago. I also had the same problem as you, in one of the gums I felt like i had a piece of tooth still in there. I wriggled in around alot day after day with my tongue and it turned out to be a small piece of hard food in there. If it is really hard it could possibly be the same. It wouldn't be a bone fragment, dentists are really very careful with extracting teeth. Your dentist would have been able to tell, by looking at your extracted tooth, if there was some tooth still left in the gum.

    It could be the gum healing, it might be building up a kind of scab. Try leaving it without touching it, and after a week or two see if you can still feel it. If so go back to your dentist.

    Good luck =]


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