
Tooth filling came off. Can bacteria enter the gum?

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My mother's tooth filling came off of back teeth a few years ago. They are now purplish and are hollow.

I have been encouraging her to get them fixed, but she refuses because it's pricey.

Does any one know if bacteria can enter the gum and affect other areas of her face?

Have you had similar experiences?

Thank you for your help!!




  1. Hello, The real issue is not about bacteria entering the gum tissue, the issue is the tooth creating an infection and that infection entering the blood stream. If a person happens to have Cardiac problems, infection from bad teeth can get into the blood stream and cause very very serious health issues that could even lead to death....Also, such bad tooth conditions can create other issues such as an overall loss of feeling good and a lack of energy...Your Mom needs to get to a Dentist ASAP and get her mouth examined and treated for what ever issue are discovered. Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. Yes, since it was a filling, the enamel has been prepped away and it is exposed dentin which is more susceptible to dental caries. If the caries get large enough it can infiltrate and infect the pulp which at that point she will probably be in a lot of pain. The infection can then spread further. I don't want to insinuate anything, but did you ever hear in the news of the kid that passed away due to a dental infection that was passed into his brain?  

  3. A few years ago?!!!!  YIKES!!

    Yes, bacteria will enter the gums eventually.  The tooth will decay from the inside out, the infection will travel down into the jaw and weaken the jaw, and that infection will also result in several serious health issues.

    As time passes, the cost of the repair gets more and more expensive.  This is not just about losing teeth, your mother is neglecting her health.  If cost is a problem, get her in to the dentist at the community free clinic or a dental school.  But for goodness sake, get this seen to!

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