
Tooth problemss help please?

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Alright I woke up this morning and my tooth was hurting... just not really badly... and since i got no job no money.... no insurance... nothing... i can't just randomly go to the dentist... so i took some pain killers and really the pain went away... all day i have been fine.... until tonight... i used orajel and it worked for a couple hours the first time not im lucky for 5 mins... i was hoping hospitals would pull the SOB.... but my mom says they don't... she use to work as a EMS.... And now i dont know what to do... it a morler(however it's spelled) so i cant pull it... too much blood loss if i do... my last resort is calling a dentist beggin a pleading my case..... fyi i dont have a job or money cause i take care of my mom and nephews full time... while my dad works... so someone please help!!




  1. Clove oil:Is great to use for toothaches. Apply a little on the affected tooth for some time and then rinse with warm water. Boil 5 grams of fresh peppermint in 1 cup water with a little salt. And rinse mouth well with this .Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol which relives pain .Try out  for more details.

  2. I'm sorry. I have a lot of tooth probs so I can relate. Nuff said.

    Do you have a health center in town? A place where people can go who have problems with health that is not an Emergency Ward? What about the a local Department of Health office? I'd call around to places like that and just say that you are on a limited income and need immediate dental care. Help does exist. Call the Salvation Army or a local church. Someone will direct you as to where help is.

    You have most likely a severe cavity. This is not a major problem and can easily be handled. So with the help of a local agency you can get to a dentist.

    I realize you have it tough and I am not insensitive. But you cannot pretend to not need a dentist. Neglecting your teeth can have nasty results like losing teeth as you get older. Please try to find someway to get minimal dental coverage for if you do not you will most certainly lose your teeth as you age.

  3. Find a school with a dental program nearby.  A lot of times they give free care so the students can get practice.

  4. Some dentists will help you out with payment plans when you have an emergency situation.

    You can also look for a dental college in your area, as they're typically very cheap compared to what the dentist's office will charge for the same work.

    Another option is to ask your Dad for a loan so that you can go to the dentist.

    Going to the health-food store and buying a bottle of clove oil can be helpful. Just  put a few drops on the affected tooth. This can draw out the infection. It worked well for me sometimes - and not so well other times.

    I also used a moist heating pad. You can use a towel that you dampen in hot water too.

    I do sympathize. I had buttloads of dental problems for years, including abscesses and lots of pain.

  5. yes call and plead your case, they might set up a payment plan.

  6. to me it sounds like you have an infection. you should go and get it fixed no matter what. could you go up to the hospital to get a doctor to look at it and give you a script of antibiotics? your teeth are connected to the rest of your body. i know a friend who's father had a stroke and he had no med probs and it was put down to a tooth that was badly decayed. also too, you dont want it to get into your blood stream.

    good luck

  7. Call the county and find out if their is a clinic that goes by your income. Where I live they do FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES OR FAMILIES WITHOUT INSURANCE.. If that don't work the go to your doctor. It might be you have an infection and with antibiotics and pain killers it will go away.

    P.S. My spouse lost his filling and he went to Walgreen's and bought a temporary filling kit and it had work. The pain is gone and the filling has not fallen out. Saved me hundreds of bucks.

  8. If your family can't help you with the finances, call the State Welfare and ask them if they can refer you to a Dentist that will charge you on a sliding scale. That's where they look at your income and adjust the charges to be fair. Do it as soon as possible because infections in the mouth can spread to your blood stream very easily and that can make you very sick. It could even be dangerous. Don't take chances and get to someone who will work out payment arrangements with you. I hope you get feeling better soon!

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