
Toothache after eating meat.?

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For a while now, I've been getting toothaches after eating some very chewy and hard meat. It's the 2nd last tooth on the back of my left side (top). The tooth would also be quite loose after eating the meat. The pain would go away the next day but even when it doesn't hurt, the tooth feels a little bit loose. When I touch the tooth from the inner side of the tooth it kinda hurts but the outter side feels no pain.

So I'm wondering, could this toothache be serious?

Also, are all teeth suppose to feel a bit loose? because all my other teeth are a little bit loose as well.




  1. All teeth are slightly mobile.  Although from what you have described, it sounds more like periodontal disease and possible decay.  Periodontal disease is a slow progressive disease that works by destroying the gums, the tissue attachment, the periodontal ligaments and then the bone that surround the teeth holding them in place.  Usually this disease initially starts with gingivitis and progresses when left untreated.  I would suggest you see a dentist since most teeth that are experiencing pain will continue to do so until they form a painful abscess or are treated.  

  2. I'm not a dentist, but I had very similar symptoms and my dentist, through xrays, said that I was suffering bone loss or deterioration below that tooth.  If the bone becomes irritated, it could cause the pain. But if the bone is deteriorating, it could be causing the loosness as well as the pain (especially on only one side when pressure is applied but not the other side).

    So, it is not an emergency, in the sense that it can be gradual and could be a temporary condition. But you should definitely go to a dentist or doctor to determine what is causing it and what you can do to treat it. It's not fun, I know.

  3. well i saw this cooking show where this man's teeth kept hurting when eating meat and his tooth fell out ! ewww i know lol but uh i think it's kinda serious . you should see your dentist ! it might not be serious too because the meat might be a little tooo hard and chewy but still, just incase, see your dentist(:

    and yeah, all my teeth feel loose too ! ahah, i remeber i freaked out once when i noticed and went to the dentist but they said i was fineee(:

  4. you have a periodontal problem. You need to go to the dentist before its too lose & it will drop out & infect the adjacent tooth.You may need a flap or a curettage & medication.

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