
Toothache big time! Dentist on monday no sooner.....relief till then? Work in the way and then weekend!!?

by Guest59837  |  earlier

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Toothache big time! Dentist on monday no sooner.....relief till then? Work in the way and then weekend!!?




  1. I would call the dentist and see if he can prescribe you some pain meds till Monday. All they can say is no. One thing I have done which helps a little is heat up wet washcloths in the microwave and hold on the side of your face that hurts.

  2. Aleve, Tylonol, ect. Also a medical magnent (Like Nikken) might  help also. You might also go to Walmart and see if they have some sort of numbing cream.

  3. I'd call the dentist and see if they can give you a scrip for the pain.

    If they say no, then take 4 ibuprofen (200 MG each) every 4-6 hours.   This has helped me through multiple tooth aches.

    This is the same as scrip. ibuprofen (just FYI) so it is safe.  

    Good Luck.

  4. Oil of Clove - will numb pain - get from chemist or supermarket

  5. clove or peppermint oil (on tooth)

    garlic clove on tooth.

  6. I'd say doodbies but work might be a problem? Alcohal?

  7. once i was told to use clove oil . you rub it on gums . boy , i sure feel for you . been there a few times . oh , and it did help with some tylonol .  take care .

  8. I know it sounds silly, but if you can bear the taste in your mouth, Vicks actually works quite well. Otherwise get some oil of cloves from the chemist and paint on. And take paracetamol.  Good luck - toothache is vile, vile vile.

  9. Oil of cloves - it works wonders - buy it at the pharmacy and apply it to the affected area. Painkillers such as paracetamol will help too.

  10. Last time I had major toothache and had to survive the weekend, ibuprofen worked for exactly 2 hour 15 minutes, so I would have been seriously over dosing if I'd stayed on that alone.

    In between ibuprofen I was crunching two aspirin on the effected tooth. Didn't sleep for three nights properly, but as over the counter pain killers it was the best I could do.

    The two work differently so you can max dose on both.

  11. ibuprofen

  12. The only thing that ever works 4 me is soluble aspirin & it works within 20mins,give it a go,Good luck,Know how it feels.

  13. Amoxocillon is the Best for tooth ache ,

    also 3 glass of salt water a day to clean your mouth out and kill bacteria etc etc

    Clove oil works a little bit but dont put on your gums or cheek though.

  14. my friend gets awful toothache a lot and she crushes up an asprin and rubs it into the sore tooth she says it works a treat

  15. Try chewing on a handful of tums. If you can't chew them because of the pain, then crush them first and then put them in your mouth. This is supposed to help the inflammation. Ambesol may help also.

  16. orajel it works great,and tylenol or pain pills is about all you can do.

  17. Put clove where it hurts and apply again as needed.  The powdered spice will work or if you have food grade clove oil, that will work too.  Also, you can apply echinecea liquid extract to where it hurts.  It not only kills germs but will help with the pain and any swelling.  Any GNC store has it.

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