
Toothache - dentist can't get me in until Friday the 29th! HELP!?!?

by Guest10676  |  earlier

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Orajel won't work. Tylenol does nothing. It's throbbing and they can't get me in until next Friday, the 29th, 11 days away! :( It wakes me up at night. I had this toothache months ago but it went away right away and I put off going to the dentist because I had no insurance. (I KNOW, my fault) and now I'm pregnant & have insurance and can go. Anything I can do to lessen the pain between now & then?




  1. Sorry to hear you are in so much pain.  You most likely will need either a root canal or an extraction.  

    Obviously because you are pregnant there are precautions regarding medications you take, so you may want to ask your MD if s/he can prescribe you something stronger in the meanwhile.

    From a dental standpoint, you can try asking the dental office to call you if they get any cancellations.  I think most offices have patients either not show up or cancel at the last minute on a daily basis, so they should be able to get you in sooner than next week Friday.

    Good luck.

  2. Don't fool around with a tooth infection!  They can be very dangerous! I don't have insurance either and have been in your position (without the pregnancy though!). If you can safely take Ibuprofen that would help take the swelling down and reduce your pain drastically...Tylenol just doesn't get it! You shouldn't wait that your local hospital and ask about health clinics in your area.  A few have dental clinics and see patients in emergency situations pretty quickly.  They have 2 or 3 days a week for emergencies.  You usually have to show up very early in the morning and it is first come first served and they have limited slots, so get there before the allotted time.  I also got relief from swishing liquid goldenseal in my mouth...but check with your doc if it is OK with your pregnancy.  Or call another dentist who can get you in right away.  Tell them it is an emergency and you are pregnant.  Don't wait!

  3. Excederin migrain was the only thing that worked for my tooth pain before I had a root canal. Except I don't know about taking it while pregnant.

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