
Toothache help please

by  |  earlier

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I had a toothache this previous friday and it's passed but there is swelling near the roof of my mouth. the swelling makes it hurt a little when i swallow. it also hurts when i press on it with my tongue and it bothers me when i eat. My mother tried getting me an earlier dentist appointment but the earlest she could do is this month but a little over two weeks. i remebered that I had a toothache in may but it passed and left a little swelling on the other side of the tooth some time ago. I want to know what i can do while i wait to see the dentist. and please do not tell me to see the dentist earlier because that was the earliest appointment we could get and i know the wisest thing will be to go now. Please just help me reduce the swelling.

Thanks in advance.




  1. You or your Mother go to your Local Beer Store and get a bottle of EVERCLEAR and swish it in your mouth. It's 195 proof and it will numb it and help reduce the swelling. I had my girlfriend do that before she had her teeth taken out. it was the only thing that worked for her. P.S. spit it out after you swish it or hold it on the side that hurts. It will burn for a minute or two but it WILL HELP.

  2. Try sucking on an ice cube that might take down the swelling in your mouth. I would also take some allergy pills just in case it's an allergic reaction to something. Ibeprophen would help the pain too. I hope i helped =)

  3. i'd suggest ibuprofen to reduce inflammation (and get rid of any pain if it starts hurting again).

    or you can try some oil of cloves from the chemist.  

  4. Try Orajel

  5. your pain is not gone, it is hidden. it will come back. get to the doctor to fix the problem before your pain is worse
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