
Toothache or just sensitive?

by  |  earlier

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I have a crazy fear and disdain for going to the dentist, as do most people, so I would like to avoid going to one unless I absolutely have to...I'd like to get some opinions on this before I make an appt.

I brush my teeth twice a day, use mouthwash after and floss probably once a week. I've always considered myself to have very good oral hygiene. But the past few weeks one of my lower front teeth have been bothering me. When I brush my teeth it hurts, an intense sharp pain at first and then a dull throbbing until I'm done brushing. It doesn't hurt any other time, not when I eat, drink something cold or anything. I don't think it's a cavity. I switched to a sensitive toothpaste and it still happened, then went away for about a week after regularly brushing with the sensitive toothpaste but is back now. Any suggestions as to what's wrong? ...without going to the dentist, because I know that's probably what the majority of people will say. Thanks in advance!




  1. Well, In our area they have a program called sedation denistry and they knock you right out

  2. Check to see if there's any discoloration on the tooth (use a small mirror while standing in front of one to check). If so, it might be a cavity, and then you'll definitely need a dentist (no matter how much you dislike them!).

    Else, it could just be sensitivity that comes and goes. I have a sensitive tooth (upper, front) because I used teeth whiteners in the past. They wear the enamel down and make teeth more prone to sensitivity.

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