
Toothpaste finding a non mint flavor?

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so I have a bad gag reflex to mint toothpaste and I can not find a toothpaste in grocerie stores that is a non mint the kids toothpaste are like sugar any websites where you can special order toothpaste ?




  1. I'm with you - hate mint, makes me gag big time.  I have used baking soda straight out of the box for over 20 years.  You need to mix it with a little water, and its a little salty, but, for me the only thing I can use.  Plus it makes my teeth feel super clean, gets rid of any coffee or soda stain etc.  It also doesn't "foam" up like toothpastes, ick, another gagger for me.  And, bottom line, it's the bristles of your brush that get your teeth clean, not what you put on it, so you can also "dry" brush.  Unless you are super susceptible to decay and need the fluoride, you should be just fine.  don't forget to floss!!

  2. look in the nautral health isle. "Toms of Maine" makes adult friendly non mint toothpastes.

  3. toms of maine. i use that all the time but i dont think it cleans as well as as mint so now im using mint

  4. Tom's Natural Toothpaste has an Orange toothpaste- it's really great. :)

  5. try tom's of maine natural toothpaste they have flavors in everything from cinnamon to it's all natural

    I've seen it at target before, but if you can't find it there, order it a

  6. You can use straight baking soda. But, if you're looking for a different flavor of toothpaste, I found some on a dental website that has flavors like tangerine, cherry, and sea salt. Try this link:

  7. Crest makes a good selection of non-mint toothpastes including  cinnamon, lemon, and citrus

  8. colgate isnt that minty

  9. why not make your own toothpaste, you can flavor it anyway you would like and its easy and cleans your teeth very well, there are recipes online.

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