
Toothpaste on zits, HOW???!!!?

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so i know people always say this but how exactly is the routine sapose to go u just put it on, or wash ur face then put it on, idk please tell me how you do it and how long untill it finally goes away, or if it even works...




  1. its suppose to dry up your zit-not get rid of it

    but yes wash face then just dab on leave over night by morning it will be less inflammed and just dry

    try proactiv mask treatment or clean and clear on the spot treatment

  2. If you cover a zit with good strong toothpaste, and sleep with the toothpaste on, it can dry out the zit.  usually it won't go away completely, but it won't look like a volcano.    make sure to use a good brand, not the cheapest coolgate from walmart.  use aquafresh or something with the bite.  

  3. It doesn't work it just stings after you wash it off!

  4. do not use it! it most definatly does not work ive tried my sis and my brother and my mom..WEVE ALL TRIED!! it sucks and it does not help..use toothpaste and u will get no where...could i plz plz PLZ have best answer??

  5. I think thats suppose to be bug bites....  

  6. toothpaste never worked on me.  I dont get many pimples, but when I do they are the big ones that are painful and under the skin.  I've found that if I get a rag really hot with water and hold it on the pimple with ebsom salt it makes it less red, less painful, and less swollen.  

  7. ur supposed to wash ur face then put the toothpaste directly on  ur blemish.... ur not supposed to leave it on too long about 15-30 mins. is gud....the toothpaste is supposed to dry out the blemish which will make it go away faster... but this doesn't always work... but it doesn't hurt 2 give it a try....

  8. if i were you i wouldn't try it cause the toothpaste can burn your skin

  9. I usually wash my face first, moisturize it and then put the toothpaste on it. Most times I do it at night and by the morning it's gone, but for the stubborn ones it might take 2-3 nights in a row.

  10. it takes maybe a couple of days for it to completly go away if u have it on constantly but i dont think u would want to walk around with toothpaste on your face i would stick to the zit remover stuff it works but it takes time.

  11. you can wash ur face if u want, i usually do. then you put a dab of non-gel toothpaste (i.e. Colgate Total), put it on your finger, and put it on the zit. the next day, wash it off your face and moisturize your face. that's really all there is to it.

    P.S. Don't do this too often only do it for certain blemishes on your face, because it causes your skin to get ashy and peel in the area where you applied it. but once in a while is fine, just so long as you moisturize frequently.

  12. Wash your face, dab on toothpaste, leave it overnight.

    It is supposed to dry it up, but it doesnt work for everyone.

  13. well toothpaste is just wen u dont have any thing esle , like pimple cream ,face wash , anything like that

    && u have to go to skewl the next day

    its not meant for everytime u have a zit

  14. some do it all night

    othes just do it for about 15 mins.

    and it does work and it doesn't come off as you sleep... trust me, im a sleep insomniac

  15. put it on like 30 min before you go to bed. Has to be toothpaste that is NOT GEL...usually use colgate white paste stuff.  

  16. Toothpaste never worked for me.  When i used it, it made my pimples really red, then i had the urge to itch them more.  Plus it made my face really dry and gross.  Biggest mistake i ever made.  If you want to get rid of zits, go buy some zit cream like neutrogena.  Or if you don't want to spend your money, put some smashed asprin with water on it.  That always seemed to work for me and it still does.

  17. Someone told me to that about a year ago. Little I know, I put the one with GEL on my forehead on three different spots and left it overnight. Sadly, my skin turned black on all three spots and took forever to get rid of it. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for everyone. Learn from my mistake and use the Colgate. Good luck!!

  18. You put a little dot of toothpaste on your face where the pimple is at....but makes your skin REALLY dry..I don't recommend it !

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