
Tootsie Pops?

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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?




  1. I'm thinking more than 50...

    ...after that, I have NO idea......

  2. I never get farther then 10.

  3. I don't know!  I'm impatient and always bite it so that I can eat the tootsie part!  yummmm

  4. Ask Mr. Owl.

  5. ask my boyfriend

  6. 347.

    Seriously...I was completely bored during one of my classes.

  7. This is an old problem.  It cannot be answered correctly.  Here is why..  

    Licks come in different durations and forces.

    Also is it a l**k or a complete suck of the pop ?

    The center is another problem.  It is not uniform.  If one starts where the center filled tootsie is closer to the surface then it could take far less time and thus licks.

    The correct answer is more than one, and different for each person, type of l**k, and individual tootsie pop.

    It is by far the closest we will ever get to answering this type of question, and my answer although lacking more detail,  corresponds with the lack of detail in the question.

    Got a better answer ?    &*(%$#@

  8. Here is the results of one mans experience with that question.

    Results:  Here follow the results. The average number of licks to reach the tootsie roll center of the tootsie pop was 412.7 but, since you cannot have a partial l**k, round up to 413. The average time was 8 minutes, 48 seconds. So, you could say, it takes 413 licks to reach the center of a tootsie roll pop. But that would be ignoring other variables that may decrease or increase this number of licks.We could divide these into personal factors related to the l****r and external factors of the environment. Personal factors include things l**k the pH level of the saliva. In our study, both testers could be said to have fairly acidic spit, mine from rising bile, Dr. Shin’s from his constant whiskey intake. This could certainly decrease the number of licks. Other things may include coarseness of tongue, pressure applied to each l**k, and pace of l*****g. Some environmental factors include things l**k the distance from the outside of the lollipop to its tootsie roll center. In trial 3, the center was much easier to reach, being roughly 5 mm closer to the surface. Temperature and humidity levels should also be taken into consideration.
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