
Top 10 important facts......?

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hey! for school i have to make a time-line of what I think are the top ten most important, influential, and/or significant events in the history of the United States. They can be as important as a War or something random like canned soup. I just wanted to get what other peoples ideas are. Thank You. Please help!




  1. do sumtin that will bring your teachers attention sum one else going to  do sumtin on war, or the british etc... do sumtin like the first 10 states in america  do ten facts on louis and clark that will catch her eyes  

  2. Oh there are so many!  Just to name a few:

    Founding of the first permanent settlement

    Declaration of Independence/ American Revolution

    Election of Abraham Lincoln/ Civil War/ Assassination - Reconstruction

    Development of the light bulb / Moving Pictures


    Development of Pasteurization

    Development of Henry Ford's Assembly Line

    Great Depression / Dust Bowl

    Pearl Harbor / WWII

    Election of John F. Kennedy / Cuban Missile Crisis - Bay of Pigs / Assassination

    Civil Rights Movement/ Assassinations of Black Leaders

    Vietnam War

    1970s Oil Crisis / Embargo

    Women's lib

  3. Facts about each U. S. State

    Countries, Facts & Figures.

    History of Nations

    This site has a history of every nation in the world as well as many  non-sovereign territories.  Each country is covered by a brief essay which gives the highlights of each nation's history.

  4. The finding of the flying frog.

    The finding of the flying squirrel.

    The finding of the flying penguin

    the finding of the flying lock ness monster

    the finding of theflying big foot

    the finding of flying MONEY

    the finding of the flying ufo's

    the finding of the flying birds

    the finding og the flying cat

    the finding of the flying Gearge Washington.

    Last butt NOT least the invention of the atomatic toilet :D

    i added an extra one for extra credit :D

    thats what ill do:D OoOoOoOo

  5. American Revolution

    Signing of Declaration of Independence

    Creation of the Bill of Rights

    Louisiana Purchase

    Louis and Clark Exploration of the West

    Civil War

    Emancipation Proclamation



    Cold War

    These are not necessarily listed in order. Or maybe they are...

    Hope I helped! ;P

  6. A.D. 1000

    Norse seaman Leif Ericsson lands in Newfoundland, which he calls Vinland.    


    Christopher Columbus, financed by Spain, makes the first of four voyages to the New World. He lands in the Bahamas (Oct. 12).


    Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León lands on the coast of Florida.    


    Saint Augustine, Florida, settled by the Spanish, becomes the first permanent European colony in North America.  


    Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, is established by the London Company in southeast Virginia


    The House of Burgesses, the first representative assembly in America, meets for the first time in Virginia (July 30 o.s.).

    The first African slaves are brought to Jamestown (summer).  


    The Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts is established by Pilgrims from England (Dec. 11 o.s.).

    Before disembarking from their ship, the Mayflower, 41 male passengers sign the Mayflower Compact, an agreement that forms the basis of the colony's government.


    Colonial population is estimated at 50,400.  

    1664 English seize New Amsterdam (city and colony) from the Dutch and rename it New York (Sept.).  

    1752 Britain and the British colonies switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar (Sept. 2).  


    French and Indian War:

    Final conflict in the ongoing struggle between the British and French for control of eastern North America.

    The British win a decisive victory over the French on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec (Sept. 13, 1759)

    Treaty of Paris (signed Feb. 10, 1763), formally gain control of Canada and all the French possessions east of the Mississippi.  


    Boston Massacre: British troops fire into a mob, killing five men and leading to intense public protests (March 5).


    Boston Tea Party: Group of colonial patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians board three ships in Boston harbor and dump more than 300 crates of tea overboard as a protest against the British tea tax (Dec. 16).    


    First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia, with 56 delegates representing every colony except Georgia. Delegates include Patrick Henry, George Washington, and Samuel Adams (Sept. 5–Oct. 26).  


    American Revolution: War of independence fought between Great Britain and the 13 British colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America. Battles of Lexington and Concord, Mass., between the British Army and colonial minutemen, mark the beginning of the war (April 19, 1775).

    Battle-weary and destitute Continental army spends brutally cold winter and following spring at Valley Forge, Pa. (Dec. 19, 1777–June 19, 1778).

    British general Charles Cornwallis surrenders to Gen. George Washington at Yorktown, Va. (Oct. 19, 1781).

    Great Britain formally acknowledges American independence in the Treaty of Paris, which officially brings the war to a close (Sept. 3, 1783).  


    Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia (July 4).    


    Continental Congress approves the first official flag of the United States (June 14).

    Continental Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation, the first U.S. constitution (Nov. 15).    


    Shays's Rebellion erupts (Aug.); farmers from New Hampshire to South Carolina take up arms to protest high state taxes and stiff penalties for failure to pay.  


    Constitutional Convention, made up of delegates from 12 of the original 13 colonies, meets in Philadelphia to draft the U.S. Constitution (May–Sept.).  


    George Washington is unanimously elected president of the United States in a vote by state electors (Feb. 4).

    U.S. Constitution goes into effect, having been ratified by nine states (March 4).

    Washington is inaugurated as president at Federal Hall in New York City (April 30).  


    U.S. Supreme Court meets for the first time at the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City (Feb. 2).

    The court, made up of one chief justice and five associate justices, hears its first case in 1792.

    The nation's first census shows that the population has climbed to nearly 4 million.  


    First ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, are ratified (Dec. 15).  


    Washington's second inauguration is held in Philadelphia (March 4). Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin greatly increases the demand for slave labor.    


    John Adams is inaugurated as the second president in Philadelphia (March 4).  


    the one above is just few of the history of U.S. if you need more feel free to check this website

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