
Top 5 Faces of all time?

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Top 5 Faces of all time?




  1. Hulk Hogan

    Steve Austin

    Ricky Steamboat

    Roddy Piper

    Dusty Rhodes

  2. The Rock (The duration of his career he was face so I would class him as one of the top faces of all time)

    Jeff Hardy (He's NEVER really gone heel or anything and he has always recieved a massive pop from the crowd during every year of his career in the WWE)

    Hulk Hogan (For his time he was face, I mean he made the business 'THE' business, Everywhere the WWE goes you are guananteed to see a HUGE hulkamaniac dressed up with the feathers and the banndanna or you see people simply doing all the Hulk Hogan poses)

    The Undertaker (He has always got a huge pop even during his American Badd@ss time)

    Triple H/Stone Cold - Tied I would say, I mean they were awsome heels but the pops they got and the pop HHH still get's is incredible.

    I'm not a HHH fan or a HHH hater but nobody can deny the fact that he is one of the, If not the most over guy in the WWE.

  3. Shawn michales-when he was champion he became face and got a very good reaction.Watch in your house 1996 people where dead when mankind appear but hbk wow it was just big.

    Taker-whenever u hear his song people shout

    Hulk hogan-even though he is boring many people love him

    Bret hart

    stone cold

  4. The Rock

    Stone Cold


    Rey Mysterio

    Triple H

  5. Batista

    The Rock

    John Cena

    Randy Orton

    Stone Cold

  6. the rock

    stone cold

    mick foley

    hardys (during tag team run)

    kane (i know he's heel but he gets fan reaction like a face would)

  7. John cena

    the nature boy


    rey misterio

    jerry lawler


    Stone cold



    Bret Hart

  9. faces?

    well different wrestlers:





    mick foley

    FACES of 1 superstar:

    1.Mick Foley


    3.Cactus Jack

    4.Dude Love


  10. Undertaker

    The Rock

    Stone Cold

    Shawn Michaels

    John Cena

  11. 1.Undertaker

    2.Shawn Michaels

    3.Hulk Hogan

    4.The Rock

    5.Stone Cold

  12. 1.Bret Hart

    2.Kurt Angle

    3.The Rock

    4.Stone cold

    5.Chris Benoit

  13. Rey Mysterio

    Mick Foley

    Jeff Hardy

    Matt Hardy

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  14. The top 5 faces of all time : Chris Benoit   The Undertaker,      Kane,     Y2J,  HHH.  These are some of my favs

  15. 1) Bruno Sammartino

    2) Ricky Steamboat

    3) Bret the Hitman Hart

    4) Hulk Hogan

    5) Sting

  16. As much as I hate faces I'll answer.

    The definition I have for a face is that he draws cheers even if their skills suck. Now on that note

    Hulk Hogan

    g*y Cena


    Bret Hart (I hated him as a face)

    The Rock.

    Now of coure out of this list only Cena is a really, and I mean really Bad wreslter.

  17. 1.Hulk Hogan- He's still a household name.

    2.Shawn Michaels- He's loved by women, men, and children.

    3.The Undertaker- He helped to prove that not all heels wear black. The first good guy from the "darkside".

    4.The Rock- He could do no wrong, no matter what he did or said the people still cheered for him.

    5.Bret Hart- He was a hero to his fans.

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