
Top 5! Vote on your favorite and the top choice will win!?

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Savannah Leanne

Tess Nicole

Kailee Rae

Lily Rose

Kimber Elizabeth


Your true favorite!!!




  1. Well my true vote is Kailee Rae such a pretty name...

  2. I love Savannah, but don't like Leanne.

    I like Savannah Rose & Kailee Elizabeth together.

  3. Savannah Leanne

  4. They're all great names!!!!!!!! Here's my opinion on them all:

    Savannah Leanne - great!! The flow is nice and the name Savannah is pretty.

    Tess Nicole - pretty awesome!!! I think I would like it a little bit better though if it was Tessa Nicole - this name is just more full and beautiful, and then you can still call her Tess all of the time.

    Kailee Rae - I really like this one, too!! I love the name Kailee, and Rae pretty much flows with anything. One of my favorite names is Kaylee Alexa, so I like this one!!!

    Lily Rose - beautiful!! My favorite of yours. It flows well, and both names kind of represent beauty and elegance, so I like it!! One of my favorite names is Lily Kristen, so I'm lovin Lily Rose as well.

    Kimber Elizabeth - ehh I'm not too big of a fan of this one. I've never heard of the name Kimber before. How about Kimberly? Then maybe you could shorten the middle name - Kimberly Eliza. I really like that!!!!!!! Kimberly Eliza - I think it's BEAUTIFUL!!!

    My vote is for Lily Rose - it's great!!!

    I hope my opinion helped - they're all lovely names!!

  5. Savannah Leanne is the only one I like.

    Tess would be better as Tessa it Kay-lee or K-eye-lee?

    Lily Rose is...boring

    Kimber?  Wtf is THAT?

    But I really, really like Savannah Leanne!  That's my favourite!

  6. Kailee Rae

  7. Kailee Rae

    I also really like Savannah, but savannah Leanne is way to long.

  8. Kailee Rae.

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