
Top Best Yugioh Decks?

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In your opinion i want to know what you think is/or are the best yugioh decks to have and why. *thanks!*




  1. It actually depends on the format you play in. For me, in the Advanced Format, the only deck worth competing with is the DAD Return decks because nothing else comes close to the speed and power it has. Mine goes like this:


    3 Dark Armed Dragon

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Cyber Valley

    1 D.D. Crow

    1 Dark Grepher

    1 Dark Magician of Chaos

    1 Destiny Hero – Disk Commander

    2 Destiny Hero – Malicious

    1 Destiny Hero – Plasma

    1 Destiny Hero – Fear monger

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    1 Jinzo

    1 Phantom of Chaos

    1 Sangan

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Snipe Hunter


    2 Allure of Darkness

    1 Brain Control

    1 D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation

    3 Destiny Draw

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    2 Reinforcements of the Army

    1 Scapegoat

    1 Trade – In


    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Mind Crush

    1 Return from the Different Dimension

    2 Solemn Judgment

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    Side deck

    1 D.D. Crow

    2 Dust Tornado

    2 Kinetic Soldier

    2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    2 Pulling the Rug

    2 Raigeki Break

    2 Royal Decree

    1 The Transmigration Prophecy

  2. I think an exodia necros deck if possible or a wicked deck (eraser, avater, something else)

  3. im actually kind of tired so im only answering half of this question.

    i personally like this deck.

    ls=light sworn


    3 ls hunter ryko

    2 ls angel celestia

    3 judgement dragon

    1 ls lya sorceress

    2 ls gragonith dragon

    3 d hero plasma

    2 d hero dogma

    1 d hero disk commander

    2 d hero fear monger

    2 d hero malicious


    1 future fusion

    2 polmeryzation

    2 fusion gate

    1 foolish burial

    1 allure of darkness

    1 brain control

    1 monster reborn

    1 premature burial

    2 burial from the different dimesnion

    2 soul release

    1 d draw


    1 mirror force

    2 escape from the dark dimension

    1 return from the different dimension

    1 torrential tribute

    2 reverse limit

    1 transmigration prophcy

    1 crush card

  4. in my opinion the bast decks are:

    dark armed return--> can get out DAD extremely afst(i.e. like in turn one), it is a mix between beat-down, swarm, and rfp

    lightsworn-->this deck hasn't popped up yet...the cards are in the new pack, Light of Destruction, one of the monsters effects has the power to clear the entire field by paying 1000 lifepopints

    samurai-->very afst paced deck that swarms your opponent with great effects and powerful monsters

    gladiator beast-->all the monsters have the ability to "tag" for another monster from the deck, the fusions, herklenos and gyzarus, are the game winners and you can usually bring them out on turn 2!
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