
Top NBA Draft Solomon Alabi: The Next Dikembe Motombo

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 Top NBA Draft Solomon Alabi: The Next Dikembe Motombo

It is very difficult for Solomon Alabi to walk inside a room unnoticed. This stalwart 7’1’’ center from Florida has used up his physical tools to be somewhat successful in the collegiate basketball and for make it as one of the top prospects in this year’s NBA Draft.

Obviously, and it might sound redundant, Alabi’s best asset going through the drafts is his physical play. And what is good about this guy is that he continuously builds on his potentials. He has been working out to add more weight and strength to what is actually an excellent athletic profile now. He has made a commitment to excel, and pushes himself on the courts as hard as he can. For all we know, spectators might see a comeback of classic Dikembe Mutombo plays.

On the offense, Alabi may not be the scoring go-to-guy for a team or hardly makes his offensive presence felt, but he has been improving on his jumpshots and these could potentially be a killer for many reasons: definitely high release point, elevation, long arms etc. Tremendous improvements on his turnaround jumpers have also been praised. Not to mention that he can now bank in his right shoulders, but still do terrific moves with his left. He averages 12 pointes per game.

Alabi is a smart player and not an over-eager type. He is patient and looks for a good opening before attacking. He then makes some space on the way to the rim. He has solid leaping ability and mobility for his position, moreover for his big size. He is considered to be a big man who may look like a power forward but carries himself as a point guard. And his low post game is very promising.

What is truly remarkable about Alabi is his defensive presence. Actually, his presence is already a stopper inside the court. You would often see him rejecting high percentage shots that truly hurt the opponent’s game. He is averaging 2.3 blocks a game in college basketball. The guy is an enormous presence in the paint and when he’s not holding the ball, he makes a good open target for his team mate’s passes and then he could easily drop the ball to the basket. He was part of NCAA’s defensive team for 2 straight years.

Although Alabi at 22 has excellent athleticism, he still needs some polishing. His short range shots need to improve as he has the size to really dig in and kill the hoops. He is also struggling at the perimeter, both on defense and offense. In the NBA, he would be easily backed down by a strong, big man outside the paint because he lacks lateral quickness.

Although he is very explosive in dominating the offensive glass, his overall rebounding average is mediocre just by simply looking at his big size. He only averages 6.2 rebounds per game. He lacks footwork coordination and oftentimes fails to go out and grab extra possessions for the team. His passing ability should also be improved as he has a good vision of the court.

Looking at this guy’s game, you will be reminded of either Samuel Dalembert or Joachim Noah’s moves. Athletic players and is an outstanding defensive man. Noah is more energetic however compared to the other two. Of course, you could also see Hall of Famer Dikembe Mutombo in some of Alabi’s defensive strengths. Both their presence, just mere presence is already killing the opponent’s hearts.

Alabi, if granted the chance would be a great addition to either Oklahoma Thunders or Sacramento Kings. Both teams need a bigman with excellent defensive goods.



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